Help me for my NRF24L01 Problem !!

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Hamid Zajkani

New Member
I want to create a star network communication like image below !

one Arduino Mega 2560 + Ethernet shield + SD Card and NRF24L01 !!

and some nodes up to 20 node. that contain Arduino Uno + NRF24L01 for create my project that server decide to each node have to start power on some device like LED ! and the nodes send some information for example temperature or humidity .

what I have to do ??

hi Hamid,
This zip file has information and tutorial for the NRF24, including some code examples.
I do not use 'C' programming language, others may help.


    489.4 KB · Views: 282
There's plenty of Arduino NRF24L01 examples and libraries out there, just google for them
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