help me! my simulation doesn't work.

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New Member
Hy everyone!

I am trying to simulate the circuit atached in the Multisim 11 but it doesn't work. Please, someone could help me to make this simulation works.

Someone could explain me, in details, how this circuit works?

The orignal output transistors are 2SC5200 and 2SA1943. I simulate with MJ15001 and Mj15002 because Multisim 11 doesn't have models for 2SC5200 and 2SA1943.

Someone could explain me how to evaluate THD, Distortion and others analysis for this amplifier in the Multisim 11? I would like to evalate if it is a good amplifier.

If someone has the Multisim models for the 2SC5200 and 2SA1943 could send them to me?

I would like to excuse me because I don't have a good english, I speak brazilian portuguese.


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