Help me repair my device

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New Member
Dear friends,

I have a tv tuner box which is Sunwin SM-230s Its VGA out port wasn't working. when I opened the box and checked I saw that the lines for the connector were damaged, Can anyone send me a diagram of the circuit I mean the backside diagram where the circuit connections can be seen.

Thanks in advance.

Here is the image of the device:

**broken link removed**
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You'll probably be more successful at soliciting advice if you take some pictures of the device and the problem area and post them. Only posting a picture of the exterior is useless.

Also, you might want to try posting this thread in the "Repairing Consumer Electronics" forum as it seems more appropriate to your question. Maybe a mod can move the thread for you.
All the best and Happy NEW Year2010
perhaps you need to contact the manufacturer for a manual, and if they oblige you can think of servicing it.

Even if the tracks are burnt
it is easy to locate the print path and you can bridge them by wire pieces.
If some components are damages,( they might be) , then perhaps better to call it a life for it and have a new one. But analyze why it happened, and what to do to prevent such things.
Televisions with HOT chasis are generally culprit when external devices are connected.
Such cases, it is preferable to have isolation transformer for the TV under concern, such that grounded connections like cable, STB etc could be connected without damage.
You need to carefully analyze before replacing one.
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