help me to mange the range of this VCO

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New Member
hi friends
i m disgning the VCO for my old mbile phone but i find this cricuit online but the problem is the range us more then i needed is this possible to get into my range by changing any part or any help plz


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looking at your posted schematic, I am not sure what M1 and M2 are. They could ferrite beads. The tuning range depends on the applied voltage to terminal VvaR. Changing C7 and C8 would change the tuning ratio.
k7elp60 said:
looking at your posted schematic, I am not sure what M1 and M2 are. They could ferrite beads. The tuning range depends on the applied voltage to terminal VvaR. Changing C7 and C8 would change the tuning ratio.

I would suggest M1 and M2 are inductors (obviously), at the frequencies in use you don't use coils, you use 'lecher lines', just straight conductors - the values are possibly the PCB trace details?.
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