Help me with apply noise to a voltage soure

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I want to see oscillation of my circuit in pspice. For seeing oscillation, I want to add noise into circuit but I don't know how to do that. plz help :-(


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Do you mean random noise, or just an arbitrary frequency in the audio range?
If random, you could generate a wav file of noise using the Audacity (or other) program and specify the wav file as a voltage source in Pspice (assuming it's similar to LTspice in that regard).
what's difference btw random noise and arbitrary frequency in the audio range? when I regulate offset voltage oscillation creates. I want to see this kind of oscillation happens
in pspice simulation or not. I decide to apply noise to one of my sources in circuit to see what's really going on. I work with Orcad 9.2, Can I add noise in a way you said?
what's difference btw random noise and arbitrary frequency in the audio range?
To some people 'noise' is synonymous with 'sound'; so a single frequency audio tone would be 'noise'. To others, 'noise' means a collection of impulses with random amplitudes and polarities. Which do you intend to use?
I work with Orcad 9.2, Can I add noise in a way you said?
I don't know; I don't have/use Orcad. The Orcad 'Help' might tell you.

The second one!
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