Help my deaf dog

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New Member
Please help, I need to make a small device to attach to my deaf dogs collar to deliver a low voltage and very mild electric shock. I need ideas on where to start so I can get his attention while walking before he gets hit by a car or something.


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the flash bits out of disposable cameras can deliver a shock, proabaly enough for a dog. Somehow (i don't know how) trigger this with a remote (which you look after) to shock him. Its my best suggestion.

Only though, if you got shocked by your collar, you'd proabably be scared, and run, possibly right into the car...
i wouldent shock your dog just to get his atention unless it is just plain menan and from the pic your dog dosent look it i would use somthing that vibrates and you could use a small radio transmiter and recever to triger it maby you could use the vibrator out of a pager

simplest am transmiter you have ever sceen
radio control swich **broken link removed**
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