Help! Need to know where to buy these transistors

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I have a tabletop stereo that fell from ~6ft and the left audio channel went out. I tracked it down to two broken transistors (I think that's what they are...). The image attached shows the good ones and their part numbers.

Where can I buy one each of these transistors?

Thanks for anyone's help. I'm a Mechanical Engineer and don't know much about electronics.


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The one on the right is not a transistor, it's an IC.

I don't recognise the part number on either of them. The three pined device looks even more weird and Google didn't return any results so I suppose I can't help you.
The P16NE is an N-channel 60 V MOSFET from ST Micro.

I haven't located the other part yet. It's probably some sort of transistor array for amplifying multiple audio channels, and may be a proprietary part.
Found one source for the AN7591:

**broken link removed**

Looks like they have a $50 minimum order, though. Might be worth it, if you have a bunch of other semis you want to get at the same time. This page also supplies some additional information: the part is produced by Matsu and is an AF power output IC. At least now you know it's not a proprietary.
Been out with the flu for a week+ but wanted to thank everyone for their great input. I'll be checking every lead and tracking these parts down.

Thanks again!
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