Help needed....8051 based LCD interface design

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New Member
Plz go throught the schematic attached which is part of a 8051 based project I am working on.

The individual memory mapped addresses are shown.

I wrote software to output data to latch 74LS273 and it works. But when I tried to initialise the LCD and send data to it , the LCD doen't respond.

I have worked with LCDs before and am using the same s/w code that I used previously successfully, so I don't see any problem with s/w. Since the data is also latched by 74LS273, the data & address bus h/w seems to be OK.
LCD as the fig. shows is memory mapped @ 1000h

However I am not sure about the timing of LCD.

Could u plz identify the problem ? I strongly feel its with h/w rather than s/w. I tried with slower crystal like 3.68MHz but it doen't work. I am using 89C51.


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