Help on a Dice counter - Multisim 11

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New Member
Hey there, I'm doing a lab for my digital concepts class and already 1 day late (was due friday) with it.

I can only use these parts: 3 7400 quad NAND gates, 2 7402 quad NOR gates, 1 7493 counter chip, 7446 BCD-7-segment decoder, 1 7404 hex inverter gate, 3 7432 quad OR logic gate, 1 7486 quad XOR gate, 7-segment led display, resistor packs for the leds.

My circuit is all nand with no inverters using 3 7400Ns, 1 7493 counter chip, 1 7493N, 1 555 Timer, 1 7447 BCD decoder and 7-segment led display. There are 7 leds representing the face of a die, labeled T,U,V,W,X,Y,and Z. Z = a 1 roll, T + Z + Y = a 3 roll with T at the top left and Y at the bottom right.

I can get it to roll and stop on random numbers when I hit the key that starts and stops it but I can't get the counting right. A 6 on the die is a 0 on the 7-segment display, a 1 is a 3, etc.

I'm attaching a 7zipped multisym 11 file and a picture of the circuit. If the truth tables are needed I'll post them too.

Edit: White background image added

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Your original image was impossible to read.


  • dicecount1.jpg
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I have no trouble but it was supposed to be with out my worksheet settings. I'll post a better shot.

Edit 1:Here it is:

Edit 2: And the truth table, logic, etc.


  • dicecount1a.jpg
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  • TruthtablesA.doc
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