Help on PIC16F84 - Free Fall Motion Timer

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Our group has a research project which aims to make a free fall motion timer that will measure the actual time of flight of a free falling object. We are having problems on some parts as described on our project's blog site.

Please care to check it **broken link removed** if possible. Thanks a lot.
Will the object being timed have the pic as a payload? Or is it being used as a simple start stop detector using leds and phototransistors?
How are you going to get a 16F84 to detect freefall?

If you are attaching the pic to the object, you would be better off using an accelerometer chip ( and a 16F676 or similar...
The 16F84 is an obsolete part...
Even tho i have no experience in this actually i know it in concept. I learned alot i mean alot from here

**broken link removed**

check out the links on the left especially "**broken link removed**"
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