help on web radio

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New Member
i am looking for some help on this particular project iv'e wanted to do.. i have an idea on my mind.. but dont know how to go about it.. i would really appreciate if anyone could help me out.. and let me know what to do

Project idea :

I would like to make a webpage which has a list of Mp3 songs on it.. a user can logon to the website and add to the existing playlist as to which songs he'd like to listen, the website inturn adds the songs to a playlist .. the mp3 format is decoded by a software such as winamp and streamed through the sound card of the pc .. the sound card is connected to a FM transmitter.. which will play the songs.. for a short distance..of 10-15m radius..
thanks alot..
ps : email add :

The first part of your problem sound slike it can be solved by making or finding a web browser plug in to d/l and play your mp3 on your sound card. The real issue is the wireless part. If you want to design one, you will need to find a suitable FM transmitter circuit. If you just need the ability, it is probably cheaper to just buy one.

Here is one for $40.00 USD
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