Help Please With Winding induction coil

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New Member

I'm currently making a magnetic powered flashlight. The only thing I'm stuck on is how to exactly wind a magnetic induction coil.
How many windings? What guage for something like 4 volts max but more importantly is the amperage. I also need to know do I use one wire or two and how to I go about winding it, in any particular way. Any information or diagrams would be greatly appreciated.

Better have a look in the previous postings... we had a similar discussion with a guy about 3 months ago also.

About the windings...
Voltage is a function of the length of the wire.
Amperage is a function of the thickness of the wire.
Keep it in the narrow gauge range... maybe 0.25 mm?
Thanks guys for the information you provided. The reason why I posted this 3 different times is maybe people would speak up sooner seeing I am desperate. The magnetic flashlight is not actually what I am building, but I am in the process of possibly having something patented that uses the same principal. So I'm currently trying to design it myself and save the money. Since I'm also in college right now. If all goes well, I will let you know how it work out. However if it doesn't work I'm definately making myself the flashlight.

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