HELP!! Please!

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New Member
I need transmitter on 38.9 MHz about 5 W for transmitting video or...nothing (jamming TVs).
Can you help me??
What do you need help with specifically? We do not design or build circuits for you, you have to do that yourself. We can just help with specific problems you might have building them.

But you have to do the design and construction.
Where in the world is TV broadcast on 38.9MHz? Purposely jamming TV is illegal.
One thing that always kills me too is the "one-off" people never use the subject line correctly. The subject should be about your project, not that you just need help. Everyone needs help.
He's right. We don't know anything about circuits or electronics in general. We just hang out here to BS about everything BUT electronics. How dumb of us.
o my iv just caught sight of this poster whilst he is hard at work thinking of his next reply....o scared!!!


  • irish iweredrunk.jpg
    20 KB · Views: 165
The video IF of a 625-line TV in India is at the frequency he wants to jam.
But he doesn't know that the IF circuit is shielded and the jamming signal won't do anything except cause a little interference if it is near enough and is strong enough.

Are there RF cops in India?
If he is caught causing TV interference then will they execute him?
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