Help solving a puzzle:

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New Member
I need to know the terminal resistance for each, with all the resistors being 1K ohm in value for this configuration:
           /\             /\              /
          Z  Z          Z Z           Z
         Z    Z        Z    Z        Z
        Z       Z     Z       Z     Z
       /          \   /           \   /
      o---ZZZ--o---ZZZ--- o
where ZZZ are the 1K ohm resistors
and o are the connections points


The pic above does not seem to display properly so I have attached a pic and also in the next message a link


  • a360f809-42c0-450f-bb7a-0b2dda9d2e35.jpg
    9.7 KB · Views: 339
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If you put
 before your diagram and [/co[I][/I]de] after it, then the BBS software won't remove all the spaces and it might make sense.

Answer of 42

Can you explain how you arrived at 42 Ohms? I understand the formula for a single delta config Rxy = (RA+RB)RC/(RA+RB+RC) so do I start on the left and "cascade" the calculated value over to the delta config to the right as I solve for it?
Why don't you make it and measure the resistance with a ohm meter.?
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I think the OP in an earlier post said that 618.xR was not the answer,
most likely he's not given us the full question.

Once I saw a similar puzzle, but it had an infinite number of triangles to the left side (or was it made with squares? I don´t remember, it was many years ago). This type of topologies ussualy make very good puzzles.

Perhaps this is the case, which of course has a diferent answer than the finite one we were solving.
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