Help with coils please

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New Member
Hi, I'm new to working with electronics and I was investigating things on a very long train of thought when I came across these coils. I don't know how to read this and I was wondering if somebody could help me understand?

Theres a few things about it that are confusing to me.
-What are the degrees for?
-Why are there 3 wires in and out on each one?
-What does the "2 (or 8) conductors/pole" mean?

If you could help me out I would really appreciate it. The link to the patent is below in case you need it. Its for a compulsator with a customizable output pulse basically. Pretty cool.

Anyways, Thanks!

United States Patent: 4935708


  • coils - armature and compensation.JPG
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It looks like a field winding for a three-phase generator.

The patent info says:

This looks like something that may have been done to try to scoop up some of the trillions of dollars flushed down the toilet in the name of Reagan's Star Wars (SDI) boondoggle in search of space based weapons and magic anti-missile defense systems.

Pulsed energy weapons were one of the many sink holes down which money was poured back in those days.
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Lol i got all that I was confused as to how you would actually wind it. I dont know how to read the diagram is what I'm trying to say.
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