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Help with flat earth facts and English language.

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Too many people think the sun goes around the earth.

For simple, so to speak, tasks, it is easier if you assume so. One good example is when being trained to take fixes of the sun with the sextant. While the initial explanation (earth moving around sun) is a must, then you simplify.

Otherwise, where the concepts, sunrise and sunset come from? Surely coined centuries before we knew the truth in spite of all vatican efforts, we maintain them because they are simple and suitable for simple things.
As I stated earlier, there are no people that believe the earth is flat. The're just trolls who like to argue to see how much someone can dumbdown science to try to explain why it's not flat.

This thread is a very good example.

Edit, when people disagree with me without giving a reason it suggests to me that I may have touched a nerve.

I suspect a lot of it is simple troll theatrics and or outright ignorance. If you easily disprove me I only have a few options to work with.

1; I suck it up and admit I was wrong because you had more info than I had which is going to require me swallowing my pride and acting with a bit of maturity and dignity. (Impossibly hard on shallow prideful egos.)

2; I act as if I do not understand anything you said, which means either I am legitimately so overwhelmingly ignorant of the topic I cant begin to understand the facts you have presented. Or my ego and pride are so fragile that looking like undignified idiot is a less emotionally devastating way out. (Easy to do but requires low value of ones own credibility and public image.)

3; I just go full uncaring troll and try to force the issue off track and onto something that nobody has any way of defending because nothing relating to either side can be factually confirmed in any way.
It's your word against mine and whomever has the lowest self respect and sense of fair and honorable play gets to make up whatever wild negative accusations about the other they wish for as long as the other will defend themselves. (Project own monstrous imaginations onto the other persons personal life and declare them real because neither side can prove or disprove anything the other claims either way.)

The sad part of life now is that #2 and #3 are by far the most common tactics certain types of people of certain belief systems use to defend themselves eve though they are by far the most damaging to themself while being the least damaging to their opponent.

When someone falsely believe that their views (and flaws) make them grandly superior to everyone else, despite the fact they cant actually defend anything they claim to believe in with any degree of factual validity, they are free to falsy judge and declare whatever they want to be the truth of reality because their opponent and their views is in their own views too far below them to need to respect anything they say professionally or personally.

The sad part of that tactic is when all third party observers are to biased or lazy to take the time and effort to look at whos is claiming what and why and then accurately and factually determine who's being a pompous ass and who's defending themselve from one.

"Never argue (bicker) with an idiot because others might not be able to tell you apart." is only true if the others are so clueless to the facts of the argument that they themselves fall into the idiots category.
Anyone with half a brain and sense of right and wrong and any willingness to step back and review the claims and defenses of both sides generally has very little problem picking out who is what and for why in such situations.

If you see a mouthy butthurt dummy go up against a rational and disciplined person do you really have trouble figuring out who is who based on who is saying and doing or not doing what? (If you do, you're part of the problem, not the solution.) :rolleyes:
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Gravity pulls photons down. So light going out from a mountain top will not reach another mountain 10,000 miles away because the light falls to earth. You can not see from mountain to mountain top because ....
ok, i think i found a way to make some quick money from flat-earthers... just like i have ballistics software that calculates bullet trajectories, velocities, etc, i'll write some ballistics software for lasers... it's a great niche market. that way if they take a laser pointer to the top of a mountain, and point it towards a distant mountain range, they can figure out where the laser falls to earth...
actually my opinion is that many "flat-earthers" are just trolling. they like being contrarians, and join the flat earth society for laughs. some are there just to make a quick buck off of a group of people that seem to be a bit gullible. then there's probably a small minority that actually think the earth IS flat. another thing i have seen on youtube that's connected with the flat earth society, is the conspiracy theory that nuclear weapons don't exist. i'm a bit of a student of the Cold War, and also being a science geek, find the declassified nuclear test films fascinating. when i was browsing youtube watching that series of films, i kept coming across this video that said "nuclear weapons are a hoax" the basic idea of the film goes like this "the government always lies. the government says that it invented, used, tested and stockpiled nuclear weapons. since the government always lies, nuclear weapons don't exist". ok, i have a few problems with that theory... first the government doesn't ALWAYS lie. even though the government does tell some whoppers from time to time, doesn't mean EVERYTHING they say is a lie. second there are survivors from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, who were there,and the flat earthers think they are also somehow involved in the "hoax". third, you can actually see on google maps where the atmospheric and underground nuclear tests were done. if you look at Bikini Atoll and Enewitok Atoll, you can see the craters on the islands, as well as the craters in the water where there used to be an island... you can look at the Nevada Test site, and see the subsidence craters where underground tests were done, as well as some 1000+ft diameter craters where surface bursts were done, and you can see the circular test lines that were used for air/tower bursts. if i knew where to look in russia, i would look there too. even after 55-70 years later, you can see the marks on the ground where many tower shots and airbursts melted the soil. also, if it was all a hoax, why were there very serious accidents, like the the Castle Bravo test? that test was of a "dry fuel" bomb, and because of a miscalculation about some of the fuel being "inert", the bomb had a yield that was more than twice what they had calculated. it seems the "inert" part of the fuel accelerated the nuclear reaction instead of having no effect. the accident spread fallout over several inhabited islands and atolls hundreds of miles away, and gave the crew of a japanese fishing boat severe radiation sickness, resulting in 1 death. a hoax wouldn't be likely to have such grave errors in it's narrative. and last, but not least, as i said, i find the test films fascinating, because those tests were very large science experiments. a lot of the technology we have today, especially computers, was developed for those tests, and by the industry that became Silicon Valley. so, if the whole thing were a hoax, why would the government keep the test films a secret for 40 years? if it really was a hoax, why make films nobody outside of the government (and even then only a few people in the government were cleared to see the films) was ever going to see? if it hadn't been for Congress cracking down on government agencies classifying stuff top secret that was no longer secret, those films would still be sitting in a vault deteriorating.

so there's my rant on the flat earth society... they can't be swayed by facts, reason, or logic, and that kind of irrationality is rampant in our country today, so it's not the flat-earthers that get me pulling out my hair, it's also a large portion of our society that are so irrational that they would gladly give up their freedom today, for a little bit of safety next tuesday.
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What do flat-earthers think is on the underside of their Earth?
4 elephants and a giant turtle?
Who feeds the elephants and turtle anyway?
Water shouldn't be a problem as the elephants can stick their trunks over the ice wall and get water, which the nearest can also give to the turtle, but what about food?
4 elephants and a giant turtle?
**broken link removed**
The 4 elephants and turtle only hole up India's, China's part of the earth.

What do flat-earthers think is on the underside of their Earth?
There is nothing below the earth. Actually there is nothing above the earth beyond about 5000 miles. Nothing is more accurate and believable than to say everything is below the earth. The idea that the sky goes on to infinity is wrong. Infinity is not believable. It was made up by people that can't understand "0" or nothing.
I always knew the earth is flat but still this little doubt: given the North is in the center, South is all around along the edge, right?
Or is it viceversa?

So many years from here to there at sea, I had no time to verify that.
Well here's part of the problem. Science is bad for certain political views and agenda claims, and the false sense of superiority, that feeds off of them.

If you can't stay on topic and argue your side of an issue with facts that support reality, the odds are you're wrong even if you hold the majority view. :(
actually my opinion is that many "flat-earthers" are just trolling. they like being contrarians, and join the flat earth society for laughs. some are there just to make a quick buck off of a group of people that seem to be a bit gullible. then there's probably a small minority that actually think the earth IS flat.
There are those, and there are also people who adopt bizarre beliefs (some even sincerely) as a way of differentiating themselves from others and dramatizing their "special-ness." They crave attention.
Here's a graphic for you TCM. It will save you some typing as you can just type a number.

On edit ...

Contrary to popular belief, writing isn’t something that only “writers” do; writing is a basic skill
for getting through life. Yet most American adults are terrified of the prospect—ask a middleaged
engineer to write a report and you’ll see something close to panic. Writing, however, isn’t a
special language that belongs to English teachers and a few other sensitive souls who have a “gift
for words.” Writing is thinking on paper. Anyone who thinks clearly should be able to write
clearly—about any subject at all."
William Zinsser, Writing to Learn


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when i was in school, we were taught Scientific Method:
1) Question, you see a phenomenon you don't understand. (ex. while working with a battery and some wires, you notice a nearby compass moves every once in a while)
2) Hypothesis, you form a theory of things that may cause the observed phenomena. (something happens to the wire when connected to the battery that deflects the compass. it could be the wire itself causes the magnetism, so it may be a physical property of the material the wire is made of, or it could have something to do with the current in the wire caused by connecting the wire to the battery)
3) Prediction, figure out what the effects might be if the magnetic effect is caused by the wire itself, then connecting the battery to the wire will cause the compass needle to move the same way every time i connect the battery, or different materials in the wire might behave differently, no matter what way the battery is connected. if the effect is caused by the current through the wire, then with the battery connected on way, the compass needle will deflect one way, and will deflect the other way when the battery is reversed)
4) Testing, set up a test that can prove whether your hypothesis is correct or not, or if there are two hypotheses, rule out one or the other or both. (get pieces of wire of different materials, copper, steel, aluminum, etc... and place each one over the compass and connect them to the battery, then reverse the battery, noting the results each time)
5) Analysis, compile the results of the test, and determine whether any of your predictions agree with the results of the test. if your results agree, go back to step 2 and refine your hypothesis, if the test results don't agree, go back to step 1, and add your results to the phenomenon originally observed. (you find that all the wires behaved the same way, and when the battery was connected one way, the compass needle deflected left, and when the battery was reversed, the compass needle deflected to the right. there was a surprise in the test results though, the compass needle lined up directly with the steel wire, but when current from the battery was applied, the compass needle behaved exactly as it had done with the other wires, and deflected perpendicular to the wire.. so now you know that the magnetization is caused by the battery current, and is not a property of the material the wire is made of. you have eliminated one hypothesis, and strengthened the other one).

what passes for science today in some areas of study (i.e. politically motivated and controlled) doesn't follow the scientific method. one of the key elements of the scientific method, is the testing phase. if the results of the testing can't be duplicated anywhere else, then there's a problem. take the "cold fusion" experiments in the 1980s. two researchers claimed to have caused fusion of deuterium (using enriched heavy water) in an electrolytic process. they published a paper about it, along with a detailed description of the test cell. the problem was, nobody was able to duplicate the experiment. the news media toured the lab where the cold fusion experiment was done, and hyped "cold fusion" as the answer to the world's energy needs. as a result of the lab being seen on TV with the experiment supposedly running, a nuclear physicist was able to determine that the lab experiment was a fake. the experimental cell was on a tabletop, out in the open, with people standing around it. what's wrong with this picture? what did the physicist see that the general public didn't? the problem is, that the thing was not surrounded by lead bricks, or any other radiation absorbing material. a fusion reaction of deuterium, or tritium, emits neutrons (as well as gamma and x-rays), lots of them, enough to make the camera crew and everybody else as sick as the firefighters at Chernobyl.
I just received this to "prove" round earth.
First; You assume the earth goes around the sun. You have not proved you foundation(s) so your assumption is also not proved.

Even with your unproved assumption(s); A flat earth works very well.
Can you ask them for the pictures of the shape-changing lampshade, which fits around the sun and accounts for longer/shorter days and the seasons, with the flat earth version?
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**broken link removed**
The 4 elephants and turtle only hole up India's, China's part of the earth.

There is nothing below the earth. Actually there is nothing above the earth beyond about 5000 miles. Nothing is more accurate and believable than to say everything is below the earth. The idea that the sky goes on to infinity is wrong. Infinity is not believable. It was made up by people that can't understand "0" or nothing.

It's all part of the xenomorph life cycle.
**broken link removed**

They live on the backside.
Swim in Polywater and eat N_ray's.
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This is what I came up with..
Using your pictures: (slight modification)
Defining gravity as you do these pictures are true. Stan near the edge of the flat earth is hard because you are pulled toward the center of earth. (I added a person at the right edge)
The way you see gravity is wrong. Tough to you by a round earther. You have been lied to by the over lords.
Very simply there is no center of earth. Earth is flat. "Gravity" pulls you down at a right angle to the earth's surface. (every one can see that) No matter where you stand gravity feel the same. (down)
All the science you have learned is based on the round idea. (wrong) You can't use round science to say a flat earth can't work. You must use flat science and it clearly works.

All the science you have learned is based on the round idea. (wrong) You can't use round science to say a flat earth can't work. You must use flat science and it clearly works.

please explain satellites in flat science :p
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