A reading of 004 looks more like a resistance value of 4R so I am not sure how to answer if its normal or not.
What mode are you selecting with your meter? I have always used diode mode and usually see a reading of roughly .6 V
A reading of 004 looks more like a resistance value of 4R so I am not sure how to answer if its normal or not.
What mode are you selecting with your meter? I have always used diode mode and usually see a reading of roughly .6 V
Calling the manufacturer to see if they carry replacement control boards or buying a second "for parts only" unit cheaply in hopes to salvage 1 working unit at a low costs doesnt sound like such a bad idea now does it?
Calling the manufacturer to see if they carry replacement control boards or buying a second "for parts only" unit cheaply in hopes to salvage 1 working unit at a low costs doesnt sound lile such a bad idea now does it?
Tried the manufacturer they don’t carry spares unfortunately. There doesn’t seem to be any for spares at the moment and the ones I have seen seem to have a similar issue as in no image and beeping so could well have the same issue. That’s why I thought maybe a new chip but I have no idea what the costs are for that so wouldn’t know if it’s worth it
That's unfortunate.
I'm sure there are a lot of programmers here. Perhaps make a new thread with a title more specific to needing programming done will land you a better idea of what the costs associated with it would be. The gentleman said previously it did not look to complicated so perhaps it will be reasonably priced and worth the pursuit.
That's what I would do. If you don't need it right away, and have the tools to program it yourself -- you can build a programmer yourself for pennies, and the programming software can be had for free -- it would definitely be the cheapest, and you'd learn something along the way. You can make the program as rudimentary or as complicated as you want.
That's what I would do. If you don't need it right away, and have the tools to program it yourself -- you can build a programmer yourself for pennies, and the programming software can be had for free -- it would definitely be the cheapest, and you'd learn something along the way. You can make the program as rudimentary or as complicated as you want.
Thanks for the info. Not sure if this is something I could do or not. I don’t know how complex it would be as the buttons select the pipe size, then to freeze or thaw, then start. The machine should also beep once it’s at temp and hold it so wouldn’t know if im able to do all of that?