help with PIC-01 Development Board

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New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm new to the microcontroller world. I'm having problems with programming [URL=""/url] my development board . I am wondering if any one has any experience using this development board or something similar. I am using MPLAB IDE 7.6 software and a compatible MPLAB ICD2 programmer. I constantly receive a warning error, saying "INVALID TARGET DEVICE" or it cannot "VALIDATE TARGET DEVICE" (something along those lines). But if try to ignore those warnings and continue anyways, nothing is programmed to the chip. I am using a PIC16F877A chip in my development board. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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When having trouble with a development board it's usually best to contact customer support for the development board, and read the manual for it completly from cover to cover. There is a 99.9% chance the answer is in the manual or a simple e-mail away from the source of the board.
Loginway PIC-01

It is probably too late, and you may have chucked it out, but I would check that you remove to 2 jumpers on RB6 and RB7 before programming. To use ICSP, you have to disconnect anything on those lines.

You need to replace them to use the LCD in your software.

all the best,

can you upload the schematic as you got from the site. as download fails as we try.
I could download the schematic. They have clearly provided berg links for RB6 and RB7 at the LCD connections. they could well be removed during the programming.

The crystal related jumpers also can be removed while programming. and thr RC oscillator element.The user manual is somewhat too simple and vague. Perhaps the company would have to come out with a better booklet.
i am attaching the schematic pdf for further discussion


  • pic-01.pdf
    45.4 KB · Views: 251
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