Thanks guys! Yes, I will send pictures once I get it all done. I haven't hooked up the volt meters yet...hopefully I can do that soon. I got some readings from the FETs source to ground voltage:
On 20 amps (I will list the FET number then the voltage like 1-.29 means the first FET had a reading of .29 volts), so 20 amps = 1-.29, 2-.29, 3-.29, 4-.31, 5-.31, 6-.31, 7-.32, 8-.32, 9-.33, 10-.33
Then with 47 amps 1-.69, 2-.69, 3-.70, 4-.70, 5-.71, 6-.71, 7-.72, 8-.72, 9-.75, 10-.75
Note both the 20 amp test and the 47 amp test were done on 24 volt PSU as opposed to a 12 volt PSU.
I think that is pretty close. What do you guys think? I wonder why voltage increases steadily as you go from FET 1 to 10? Is that amount of variance anything to get excited about or is it small enough of a variance to not be concerned with?