Help with Superheterodyne reciever Project

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New Member
Hi... Can anyone help me in doin this project...

The main First design... in the attachments.. the first file is the Reciever Specs... & 2, 3 are an example for the filter...
Any Question n I'm Ready... and any help will be very Appreciated...

Thanx in Advance


  • 1.jpg
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  • 2.jpg
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It's not clear what type of help you need. Is it help with understanding a superhet receiver or help with the simulation?
Dear... its clear... u only have to zoon in the picture after u open it... i need help of how to start the design and to get the exact values for designing the Reciever.... Thanx...
Since you need to simulate each block separately, I would start with the RF amplifier. Following the suggestion of the person who wrote the exercise I would start with an input signal that was a sine wave with an amplitude of maybe 10 microvolts. The first stage might be a gain of 20 amplifier. Once you have demonstrated this you should be able to modify the signal and the gain to suit your purposes.
i just implemented it in OrCAD... is the input right? i mean it should be Vsin waves ya??
And the Oscillator is Vac??
And the last Amplifier (Audio Amplifier) is a normal Gain Block right?

hope to get help soon....


  • Orcad Comm.JPG
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about superheterodyne

i would like to thank smoor for help i want to say i like to find to us the calculater of it
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