Help with time released lid


New Member
Good afternoon all my first post,
I have done a lot with RC stuff in the way of electronics,
but i have been asked to make a Autofeed for a hay box,
so been thiking of an electro magnet that hols the lid down then with a timer it releses the lid sounds easy,
but its in a field so really only have max of a 9v battery really.

So question what sort of timer could i use its only for a once open a day the eveing the next day it will be reset for that eveing, so only need 12 hr max really but 24 could be good,
also as only 9v battery really need a way for it to not use to much power as dont want to be changing the battery every other day,

but with the electro magent holding down the lid the whole time that would use a lot of power, so may be a solinod instaed to relase a lock?
hope that makes sense and any sugestions would be very much apreciated

9v battery? How about a bank of lead-acid batteries and a solar panel to recharge? A latching solenoid.
What safety mechanisms/procedures would you use to prevent animals from starving if the unit fails?
9v battery? How about a bank of lead-acid batteries and a solar panel to recharge? A latching solenoid.
What safety mechanisms/procedures would you use to prevent animals from starving if the unit fails?
Hi Zip thanks for reply was thiking about solar but this is for horses so need to make it hard wearing really and cant think of a good way to have the solar panel with out it getting distroyed and dont really know much about solar,
and with safety mech its only for the evenings so if it doesnt open it isnt the end of the world,

Latching solenoid ? i assume works same way as latching relay you dont need power to keep it out or in ?
power to open and stays there power to shut and it will stay there ?
that is an option if can work out a mechanisum

Latching solenoids -
A good way to drive use an H bridge that allows easy polarity reversal.

H Bridge driving inductive loads :

Regards, Dana.
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