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New Member
:!: i need an equivalent for bs170 mosfet or similar mosfets for my millenium2 bypass, its hard to find here in the Philippines.. also a lowleakage diode.. thanks 8)
posting in the correct forum

hi hu_elz,

you might not get a reply here for the reason that this is not the right forum to post your request. you should have posted it in the datasheet/parts request column. pls dont feel offended of my correction kabayan :wink:

am also interested with the reply that might come. have also encountered that problem.
Kabayan, I did a google search of your "Millenium 2 bypass". There is a alternate circuit using more commonly available parts like the CD4007. I don't fully understand the function of the 1n914 and the low leakage diode. The circuit could work with only a 1M resistor replacing the 1n914. Anyway there are already protective diodes a the input of the CD4007.


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