Hero been given a reprieve and time to chill..and think maybe?

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Well-Known Member
Most Helpful Member
Hi all

I noticed Hero has a Banned (Temporary) now.
It was a permanent Ban (the first here) a little while ago.

Anybody know what's happening. Just curious. Very, very curious.


Mods delete this post at will if it is a sensitive matter.
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It had me wondering as well.
I dont recall an exact reason for his banning in the first place. Or at least not one that I saw that was specific to the actual rules and specific reasons that a proper banning or infraction would come from.

What I recall was the normal moderator disagreement and "I have the power to make up reasons and ban people because I can" issue that goes with it. But thats just my take on this.
i belive it was a build up of things in the past, his last posts were not really a reason to ban but it was lets say the straw that broke the camels back.
It was "behind the scenes stuff" . Like PM's to Mod's etcetera. Thing is...the ban has been changed from "Banned to "Banned (Temporary)".

Mods and/or Admins: make up your mind please. Ban or leave alone. Don't let us arrive at the wrong conclusions here.

Nothing like members guessing...

Thank You.
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EM always said we should trust the mods... I liked Hero but being relatively new here I'd say that we'll just wait......... and see.
Mods are people too and add their own personal flavor to the chaos that is a typical forum =) They just generally don't admit it. I personally believe even moderators should be moderated, all I ever get when I complain about them is threats of being banned. Not one complaint I have made against a moderator has ever been answered by anyone, even the moderator them-self. I've just been told I'm wrong, go sulk in a corner and suck it up, and using words that would get any other regular user banned for saying the same thing. They have the authority though. I live by a simple creed in that department, trust but verify, and I detest any sort of brotherhood system where things get taken care of if 'one of our own' does something that stretches the rules. Blood is thicker than water, but wrong is wrong.
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Amen Brother Sceadwain!

I agree with the general statements entirely. Being I have been given inappropriate language warning for posts with absolutely no curse, swear, foul, or remotely questionable language by any linguistic standards but just because a moderator did not like or see the humor of the subject posted.

I dont have any problems with infractions, warnings, or outright bans for myself or anyone else when they are backed up by legitimate references to the real established ETO rules and regulations of this site as dictated and instated by Electromaster himself or even those that are temporarily enacted due to having been seen as being pertinent or relevant at the time by an agreement of a peer review made up of fellow non moderator titled members under or during an open group vote or other similar method of review over someones actions.
As I recall EM explained Hero's ban in another thread. This is just another chance for....

The same few people are like a broken record.
It is our own fault, the forum rules themselves are so obfuscated, there can never be an actual 'rule' to contend with. The moderators determine what is offensive, objections are disregarded. Mind you WE signed up for this. Our e-mail addressses and IP information are freely available to any moderator with the privileges that wishes to access it. They can sell it if they want there is NO privacy notice here nothing legally binding in any country I know of a least. We are sheep, they can be herders or butchers.
Whoa! Scead, You better slow down on the comment posting you're at 10,474 posts now and steadily growing.

Only a few thousand more and you may get run out next for um.. Well....
(Posting too much non relative stuff maybe?)

Unfortunately there's no "like" buttons in this forum.... Me like!!
I am unsure of how Hero999 got changed to 'Banned (Temporary)' however it shouldn't have been. I have updated it to reflect the correct status.

Thread Closed.
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