heu come on epl fans

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New Member
im a good fan of epl
im manchester united fan
ive found no forum so ive made one
come and let me know what do u think will be the epl standings at the end
Soccer. EPL is English Premier League.
Yet another net born writer.
Please join our new group PFTEAA
People For The Euthanasia of Acronym Abusers.

P.S. It took me 60 seconds on Google to decode the original post.

Reminds me of the most horrible modern abuse of technology I have seen to date that I experienced on my way home from work this evening. Stuck in traffic, looked in the review mirror, and the guy behind me was talking on his cell phone using his head to pinch it to his neck so he could use both hands to send a text message on a second phone... I was seriously deliberating getting out of my car and throwing the guy into expressway traffic next to us because we were stuck due to a really bad three car accident in front of us. Probably someone else on their cell phone. It's the details that'll kill ya!
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Sceadwian said:
Soccer. EPL is English Premier League.
Oh - are you one of the rowdy crowd of hooligans that go around assaulting other fans and breaking up stadiums?
Not a football fan =) Either version of it. Not a baseball fan either. Not a sport fan of any variety really. I might have an ego, but I definitly lack that alpha male gene that causes people to foam at the mouth and slaughter innocent puppies for fun and profit. Playing any of those sports is different though, I just never understood the appeal of being a 'fan' Waste of time better spent doing something.
They could cancel all of professional sports tomorrow and I would hardly notice. I choose to vote with my wallet.

EPL = football = crap!

This is an electonics forum, electronics = engineers = geeks.

Most geeks do not like football.
Kids game! - where they pay the top professionals obscene amounts of money for running round kicking a ball!.
salman007 said:
very astonishing i thought that many people here are fond of football
ok never mind

You might try filling your location in, so we know where you're from - but English football probably isn't going to very popular elsewhere in the world.

Generally though 'clever' people don't like football so a 'geek' sort of site like this isn't going to be full of football fans. Incidently, at the martial arts club I teach at, there's not really many football fans there either? (although one is actually a volunteer official at a local football ground).
From what I've heard football isn't as popular as it used to be since Sky TV bought the rights to all the games and it now costs an arm and a leg to get into most games.
Hero999 said:
From what I've heard football isn't as popular as it used to be since Sky TV bought the rights to all the games and it now costs an arm and a leg to get into most games.

You're behind the times! - the EU stepped in (why?) and Sky had to forfeit some of the football. So the top matchs, that used to be called Prem Plus, are now through a company called Setana. These charge considerably more than Sky did, and don't have the matches in HD either!.

Yet another great triumph for the EU!!!!.

BTW, don't blame Sky for the football problems, it was the FA who sold it off to the highest bidder, Sky's participation has actually been good for British football.
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