Hey! I'm new here

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New Member
Sooo hey people! I'm new at these forums. I've been to many forums like Game Arena (the community there sucks!) and Austech which is good but an odd site.
So can some people justify stuff about the community and some personalities?

Sooo hey people! I'm new at these forums. I've been to many forums like Game Arena (the community there sucks!) and Austech which is good but an odd site.
So can some people justify stuff about the community and some personalities?

I don't understand your question.
Sooo hey people! I'm new at these forums. I've been to many forums like Game Arena (the community there sucks!) and Austech which is good but an odd site.
So can some people justify stuff about the community and some personalities?

We are a group of boring electronic technicians who are either married to ugly, overweight women, or our work benches. We eat the same food for lunch and dinner daily, bathe once a week (no point in wasting precious fresh water), most of us wear glasses or magnifying eye loupes, and even though we have tossed out our pocket pals, we still keep a handful of pens, tweekers, and cotton swabbies in our shirt pockets. Some of us can "tune" audio amplifiers in a most unconventional method, others are experts at building meaningless 200mw FM transmitters. We have a growing group of clueless members incapable of self-realized imagination. Then there are the ones like me, who are quite serious.
METHAMPHOSiST: Welcome to the forums. I don't understand your question either, but welcome none the less.

HiTech: What does your avatar say?
Thanks people, it seems like a great community. And don't worry about the question, I couldn't really explain it
It's an OK community if you get to know the regulars, and can disregard the continuous onslaught of beggars asking us to do their homework and school projects for them, who usually don't stay around for more than 2 or 3 posts...

Hi all!
I really loved the way HiTech describes this group! I think we are a great bunch!
JTECH said:
I really loved the way HiTech describes this group! I think we are a great bunch!
LOLOL.... despite my sarcasm you do realize that there is some truth to what I posted?
evandude said:
the continuous onslaught of beggars asking us to do their homework and school projects for them, who usually don't stay around for more than 2 or 3 posts...

"I need help implementing an RFID project for my final project. It has to search through a database to display information on a graphical LCD with a picture of the person associated with the id card, name, and id number. It's due next week. Help please."

Haha, couldn't resist. I can't imitate the grammar though, I actually maintain proper grammar while I'm typing, even in instant message conversations. Most of the time.
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The easiest way to imitate such messages is to leave out lots of letters from all the words (particularly vowels), enough that they're just barely recognizable as the original words:

"I ned hlp implmntng an RFID prjct for my fnl prjct. It has to srch thru a dbse to dsply info on a grphc LCD with a pic of the prsn assc w the id card, name, and id nmbr. It's due nxt wek. Hlp pls."

I never really understood why so many of those who speak english as a second language do this, it almost seems like you would have to learn proper english to some degree before you learn to abbreviate so many of the words...
Hero999 said:
Perhaps you should fix your avatar by enlarging it so we can acutally read it.
I did a number of tries but it kept rejecting it for the size. The text is rather small even when in a larger size. I'll likely come up with a new one in the near future.
theinfamousbob said:
I actually maintain proper grammar while I'm typing, even in instant message conversations.
Excellent! Plain English is easier to understand and less ambiguous.
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