Hi Sirs

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a tech

New Member
I am new here and hope I do not make a fool of myself

I have a little knowledge but probably not enough to see me through this little project of mine where I plan to help the kid next door to keep unwanted pets and rodents away from his folks place. You see, I live alone. I collect all kinds of hurt/broken/injured little mammals and then nurture them and bring them to my place and care for them and feed them and so on. I have many varied types of species to cope with. Very precious to me. My little babies. The kid next door is always there helping me. His folks don't like it though because my babies sometimes end up on his parents property and then there are questions. I mean, they like him so they follow him home. So I look bad. So what can I build around my place to stop them bothering his folks? Should I build a kind of fencing system that stops them leaving and worrying them?. I read on the Internet i can maybe sort of stun them to stop them from leaving. I know this is a very difficult question...but can anyone of you experts help?

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Hi, i think you should describe your place a little better...is it yard? is it already fenced also what kind of mammals you look after? Have in mind that in many countries it might considered animal abuse if you electrocute them. have you considered to cage them the times you cant keep an eye on them??
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I like my animals too. But I would never consider shocking them to get them to stay in an area.

As a test. Touch an electrified cattle fence yourself and see if you think it is still a humane control method. It may convince you otherwise.

What type of animals are we talking of here. That may have a bearing on the type of suggestions you receive.
Welcome to the forum.
I think its obvious the o/p doesnt want to hurt the critters.
You can get plug in wall wart style rodent scarers that use 2 methods, ultrasonics and what they refer to as a 'conducted energy' system which irratates a small animals nervous system without causing harm, I think its just pulsed rf, and I dont know how effective this is.
You might be able to pull one of these apart and utilise this latter method and place a wire round the garden, you'd need to make sure it was isolated from the mains of course to be safe.
Thank you all for your suggestions. Much appreciated.

The thing is I am looking like a little Mammal hospital at the moment. I have everything from small birds with a broken wing( kids with pellet guns) to injured squirrels and little mice and hamsters and all kinds of small creatures that arrive all the time from kids in the area. The strangest thing is my 3 cats seem unfazed by these little creatures. Jozy, Dozy and Nosey seem to understand all this stuff and are not bothered to try and eat them. it is almost like they know they are sick or hurt and leave them alone. all have free run of my little place. Sort of one happy little family. It is a beautiful thing to witness a menagerie of the animal world getting along so well. Then little David from up the road walks in to help and when i look again they are following him when he leaves. and then a phone call from his Mom or dad a little later saying stop sending your pets here. thank you Inquisitive for your usefull post. i will look into it
And I cannot continue this nonsense anymore. I am wasting good members time here by posting rubbish.

I am tvtech. The one that asked to be banned after Eric and the drama and all a while back. I simply don't have the heart to stuff good people around who try and help all and sundry.....

And you know what....this is an eye opener for me. There are more genuinely good people on this little forum than all the others out there.

I always knew that though and then I lost it. Totally.

So, I humbly crawl back. And apologize to all and sundry if I insulted any of you. Electromaster.....you especially. You are a person of immense personal conviction. I said things in that stupid whole blow up here that I regret.

And in spite of all, you took it all in your stride. I know I personally pissed off people here....

So, this may not make things right....but at least I have tried.

Kind Regards,
Hi dr pepper

Don't be surprised if someone else asks exactly the same question in the future. I know people that actually would find that kind of deterrent/preventative kind of system useful. Especially if they are actually living with them and want to contain them...and not kill them.

I made the whole thing up but still food for thought.

Actually I have been asked similar questions.
I'm a little cagey though as anything that inflicts physical pain is subject to pc.
I ignore or see through silly posts, these days you wouldnt do anything if you were bothered about certain people.
Hi tvtech,
good to see you again.
Why you chose this approach, to coming back to the forum, is beyond me.
The previous rebellion caused a lot of disruption to the forum and discomfort for some members, including myself. I almost scrambled my password in disgust at the situation, but after consultation with EM, decided to sit on my hands for a while.
I also came close to posting a similarly scathing post, directed at the same member you addressed, but held off.
Sometimes, we throw the toys out of the pram without thinking of the future.
Asking for a perma-ban was not the correct decision as far as I am concerned.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with recognising that you perhaps made a mistake, admitting it, then putting it firmly behind you.
I'd prefer to be seeing 'tvtech' again, rather than 'a tech'.
The last time I looked, 'tvtech' didn't have a "Banned" message beneath the name.

Hi Mickster.

My account is locked. I asked for a ban and all. And it was given to me. Unusual circumstances. I don't show up as banned because I never was.

All I can really say is EM has his reasons. Stuff that will be sorted out. For now I am happy to be back here and home.

I still love ETO with all my heart. This forum will grow again. I promise

It's the time-wasting thread that has me a little confused/irked.
You know how the regular members trip over themselves trying to help new people, yet you chose to impersonate one, rather than picking an obvious new name which we would all relate to.
tvtech2, tvtechmkII, tvtech_again, etc., or various combinations containing 'tvtech' could have all helped us quickly identify you, rather than a random 'tech' name and a misleading thread.
I'm new here and have no idea what yall are talking about.
My question is, why do British people seem to always substitute the letter "z", for "s"?
What do they have against "z"? Did Americans start using "z" in protest of the King a long time ago?
It's just a curiosity thing.

Conversly, I am old here and I have no idea what you are talking about either.
Would you care to give a few examples?
Why are you hijacking someone elses thread?

Conversly, I am old here and I have no idea what you are talking about either.
Would you care to give a few examples?
Why are you hijacking someone elses thread?

Oh sorry, I didn't mean to cause a problem. Mickster spelled the word recognizing as "recognising". I've noticed that most English people do that in articles and stuff all over the internet and stuff. I was just curious. I'm new to forums and didn't even know what "highjacking" means.
Probably just a spelling mistake.
However 'z' sometimes is used to sound trendy, 'you guyz are squarz' sort of thing.
OK, I see what you are referring to.

I suspect that this is just a simple spelling error on the part of Mickster, no need to get all out of shape about it.
To be quite honest I myself may have used the same spelling as Mickster and maybe thought "Is that correct?" and worried myself sick over it until Captain Paranoia (who often sits on my shoulder) had nagged me to reach for the OED (Oxford English Dictionary) and look up the correct spelling.
Which brings us on to another of those little conundrums of language, how do you find a word in a dictionary if you don't know how to spell it?

Hijacking a thread.
Usurping the thread and taking it off in a different direction on a totally different topic.
Sometimes referred to a being "off-topic".
However, as the thread is a bit of a spoof, started by someone* who threw his toys out of the cot and went off in a bit of a tizzy a couple of months ago...
...I suppose almost anything is open for discussion.


* Welcome back tvtech.
Probably just a spelling mistake.
However 'z' sometimes is used to sound trendy, 'you guyz are squarz' sort of thing.
No, it's pretty deliberate. Like they spell organization, organisation. I see examples in nearly every article on any website that is written by British people.
My oxford dictionary lists it as 'organization'
Might be a color and colour thing.
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