Hi Sirs

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I wrote 'recognising' because I am English and that is the way it is written in English.
You're quite welcome to substitute an s for a z if you like, I won't pick you up on it as you're obviously using American English, but remember where the English language came from - England.

Yes, lol, English came from England. My ancestors are from the British Isles. I was curious why that is and what got that started. In my dictionary, it says that both spellings are correct. It's just something that I'm curious about and nobody seems to want to talk about.
English.... We brits are English!!! We type our language in.... The American English that you talk about has several words spelt with a Z instead of the S... Organization can be spelt both ways, but as we are more used to the S we spell it phonetically....

Weird language!!
Since the OP's topic seems to have morphed into "off-topic"...

JimB said:
... Which brings us on to another of those little conundrums of language, how do you find a word in a dictionary if you don't know how to spell it? ...

I, as a perennially bad speller, keep an extra tab open to Google. Any spelling question I have I then instantly type the word into the search line and, voila (a little French there) the old Googler corrects my remarkably tortured effort AND provides a definition link as well.

ADDED BONUS: The short link description also usually has a "peek" at the accepted definition in case I also was mistaken about that.
Yes, you are right. The forum that I canned last was full of arrogant pompous jerks. I think a couple of them come to this site also. They use the same avatar and live in the same city.
Yes, you are right. The forum that I canned last was full of arrogant pompous jerks. I think a couple of them come to this site also. They use the same avatar and live in the same city.

Herein lies the problem.... A small man behind the wheel of a big car becomes a big man, or so he thinks.... When you are behind an LCD screen miles from harm, some folks behave in the same manner...

The typed word can be open to misinterpretation... Some people don't express themselves as they would like to be perceived... Its up to us to gauge these people over a specific time... Some people don't want to be arrogant online, but still appear so... I try and tolerate as best I can... Others are just out for a fight..... As I said... Time will tell.
And I agree with that completely. Time indeed will tell.
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