High Voltage Op-Amps

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Oh and if anyone is getting tired of my old picture, I have a new one I can upload. But before I do that, I would like some comments on it...

Here it is:

**broken link removed**
It's a but poorly done and obviously fake, I think you'd be better off using a funny real picture.

Communism is one of the most misunderstood ideologies, granted it's totally unworkable but it's good in theory.

Starlin was a total nutcase though.
Communism is one of the most misunderstood ideologies, granted it's totally unworkable but it's good in theory.
Starlin was a total nutcase though.

Very true lol. If I am not mistaken, Stalin was buried under 12 tons of concrete because a lot of people were afraid he will rise from the dead and punish them (lolz u never know). Oh, and I am not in favor of communism. I just like some of the quotes that’s all...
I agree but my dislike of the ideology has absolutely nothing to do with the horrific actions by communist states.

The main goal of communism is to make everyone share everything provide the same living standard for everyone regradless of how hard they work. This goes against human nature, no one's going to work extra hours when they get paid the same as some lazy bum.

Also note all forms of communism were forced on people by totalitarian states. The most hardcore forum of communism was Kibutz which was very democratic but it was also economically inefficient and suffered from many social problems.

Sorry we've derailed the thread a bit but I feel that some poeple (I'm not suggesting you're one of them) don't actually know what communism is and I don't like ignorance of any kind.
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