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home protection issue

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Never had the need, I'm the guy with the new camera... Beside, the two of you put on such a nice show. :)

Seriously, since 2.4 GHz is a band, and there are a bunch of frequency choices for the cameras, you would need to jam the whole range. My little camera's reciever has a little tuning knob, most likely the exact frequency is unknown, or drifts a little. Why not get a similar camera to your friends, then you would know when they are playing, and where.

Just to really piss on you... they have cameras built into working pens, with a 4 gig DVR, no RF... $35-50. Also got the same thing, fits in a pack of gum.

These cheap cameras don't work in low light, so be green, and turn off the lights.

It is much easier to get a camera yourself, put in same room, catch the "spy" on tape putting the can in your room and then
- beat the c**p outta him
- report him to authority
- use your imagination

The 2.4GHz devices are quite imune to disturbances (that's the way they are built). Most of them jump from channel to channel when they detect problems etc, increase power if changing channel does not help, etc.... We were making the 141KHz, 27MHz, 900MHz, 1G2 and 2G4 jammers here for the university .. and that was *very interesting* ... you take a small camera+mic on 2.4G and start jamming the signal while monitoring ether with spectrum analyser ... you see how camera is jumping trough channels and then you see it increasing transmit power (while still jumping trough channels)... the jamming signal that actually blocked the camera disable WiFi in the home block and we got call from the airport (some 60Km away) to ask if we are "testing something again" (they had experience with us as we were making jammers for cell phones for the local theatres) ...

so, cohones or no cohones, it is illegal, depending on the country and "who you work for" you get yelled at or arrested for it .. the power of the jammer and width must be so high in order to "cover" a simple cheap camera that gets
- too expensive to make
- too problematic as it covers too big area
- easily detectable by police

Not to mention that this is not something you can easily build at home... In order to monitor the output frequency and width of the channel you need spectrum analyser, these do not come cheap. You need to worry about very "strange" things like how far the gnd plane is, what is the shape of the pcb trace, does the solder joint have "spike's" etc...

All in all, it is much cheaper to get a room in local motel for a year then to build this yourself. Not to mention the already suggested "turn off the lights" :) .. if they use IR cameras; the have to emit IR light, you can detect this in dark using a single cell phone camera (the IR light will be seen as normal white light on your cell phone camera)... now, this will not help you for the mikes :D

Did i really misspell cohones? LOL.
I'm sorry i got mad with you guys,i'm just having a really hard time.
From what i can tell they're cheap cameras. I understand there are alot of ways these guys can mess with me but, isn't there a low powered rf jammer i could make to just cover a small area such as a room or just a house? It still seems this may be easier than buying expensive cameras and beating-up one or more of them.:rolleyes:
Ever thought of maybe investing in a door lock? Might try a Tesla Coil, mine use to mess up all kinds of electronics, kind of permanently... Haven't played with mine in years because of computer problems. Could never sure if it was the arcs & sparks, or just basic Windows...
I have seen devices sold to jam wireless cameras. Not usually cheap and I can't say if they really work.

I think bottom line here, all legal issues aside, unless your an RF engineer, building a jammer from scratch is going to be a monumental task.

Its my understanding that the higher the frequency, the more critical small things like component layout become. I know even small FM broadcast band transmitters (88-108 MHz-ish) are fussy to make without a proper printed circuit board. Now what you are talking about is a MUCH higher frequency. 900MHz - 2.5 GHz-ish.

Its a neat idea, but not something thats going to be easy for a novice or even experianced hobbyist to pull off.
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The "blinding" thought was a place to begin. I noticed how bright the led appears on my TV remote when viewed thru a camera and thought that only a relatively low power might be all that is required to fool the camera into thinking there was more visible light than actually existed. Yes, the IR could also light up what you are trying to hide - therefore it might have to be somewhat directional. I suppose that once wise to that trick a filter on the camera would solve the problem on their end.

Sounds like it must be quite the common thing to do as cameras and wireless devices are so easy to come by.

I meant to add the thought of constructing an RF sniffer, as it has been called. While it requires that you take the time to "sniff" for the transmitter it is simpler than a jammer by a long shot. As I understand it, a simple RF sniffer might be an antenna, amplifier, diode/meter to respond to nearby RF fields. I googled on RF sniffer and found a number of hits that look practical.
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I've seen plans for ones that work on rc planes, cellphones & t.v. remotes and they're really easy (and i'm a novice working on electronics). It's just i can't find the parts to get a 2.4ghz freq. (wich are used in some really simple,average, and small cameras). I've seen oscillators for around 600mhz.
Will they work in series, combining thier freq.?
cmon andy, he is novice but he has cohonas :D

crazyking, you cannot build it - period. you ca purchase it and it will not work or you will get arrested. Donno what location you are at, there still might be places so far behind that cop's don't know what jammer is, but in real world, anything that can jam a 2.4Ghz camera will put you in jail in approximately 2 days... and if you, God forbid, use the jammer for illegal purposes, anyone who helped you can be in trouble....

so, trust me, having cohones have nothing to do with being able to make a 2.4GHz jammer that works.

Now, if you have extra money ... here some way's to build 2.4GHz jammer
- Wave Bubble
- How To Build A WiFi And Bluetooth Jammer - Video

or you ca purchase one:
**broken link removed**
Gadgets: Wireless Jammer

but note:
The operation of transmitters designed to jam or block wireless communications is a violation of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended ("Act" . See 47 U.S.C. Sections 301, 302a, 333. The Act prohibits any person from willfully or maliciously interfering with the radio communications of any station licensed or authorized under the Act or operated by the U.S. government. 47 U.S.C. Section 333. The manufacture, importation, sale or offer for sale, including advertising, of devices designed to block or jam wireless transmissions is prohibited. 47 U.S.C. Section 302a(b). Parties in violation of these provisions may be subject to the penalties set out in 47 U.S.C. Sections 501-510. Fines for a first offense can range as high as $11,000 for each violation or imprisonment for up to one year, and the device used may also be seized and forfeited to the U.S. government.
I meant to add the thought of constructing an RF sniffer, as it has been called. While it requires that you take the time to "sniff" for the transmitter it is simpler than a jammer by a long shot. As I understand it, a simple RF sniffer might be an antenna, amplifier, diode/meter to respond to nearby RF fields. I googled on RF sniffer and found a number of hits that look practical.

That would seem practical short-term. I haven't found any cameras recently since he last incedent but, why should i have to sweep my room like the ghostbusters looking for ectoplasm. I might not have mentioned before these guys aren't much smarter than me electronics wise. I gotta show them i'm smarter than them and shut them down. -maybe- they'll realize they shouldn't mess with me on that front. I agree with you guys, making a rf sniffer sounds cool and would probably help a little. If you can tell me what i need and give me some sort of diagram i'll definately consider doing that for now. Come on guys, i've seen people using rf jammers for much stupider reasons.
cmon andy, he is novice but he has cohonas :D

crazyking, you cannot build it - period. you ca purchase it and it will not work or you will get arrested. Donno what location you are at, there still might be places so far behind that cop's don't know what jammer is, but in real world, anything that can jam a 2.4Ghz camera will put you in jail in approximately 2 days... and if you, God forbid, use the jammer for illegal purposes, anyone who helped you can be in trouble....

so, trust me, having cohones have nothing to do with being able to make a 2.4GHz jammer that works.

Thanks arhi.;) One thing though, the people you grew-up around may sell you out or do something stupid to indicate you helped but, around here most* of us actually have some integrity. I for one am not a rat. My intentions are only for my privacy. I know ya'll may think i'm making a big deal about all of this but, last i checked, i have a legal right to my privacy as well as everyone else. i would help anyone else (under the same circumstances) if i were in a position that i could help.
The fact that surveillance equipment as become more technologically advanced and cheaper indicates that more people are at risk than just myself.
For example, My weather station website has a satellite camera that i can use to look at my mother's house FROM OUTER SPACE! For every yin must be a yang or there will be no balance.
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