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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Homemade CDI ignition

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Hi. I want a CDI circuit for a 4-cylinder engine with a separate combustion ignition coil.
Please send and guide the necessary circuitry for this by e-mail.
Tell the electrical parts you need.
Thank You
Hi. I want a CDI circuit for a 4-cylinder engine with a separate combustion ignition coil.
Please send and guide the necessary circuitry for this by e-mail.
Tell the electrical parts you need.
Thank You

Email sent. Let me know how it works out.
hi.i"m surry.
I want a CDI map for my car.
Ignition is 2 coils with 2 separate signals. My machine is 4 cylinders.

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hi.i"m surry.
I want a CDI map for my car.
Ignition is 2 coils with 2 separate signals. My machine is 4 cylinders.

a 4cyl engine would use a single coil and a distributor. ignition timing would use a 4 lobed cam or a 4 tooth wheel and magnetic pickup.
a 4cyl engine would use a single coil and a distributor. ignition timing would use a 4 lobed cam or a 4 tooth wheel and magnetic pickup.

Not if it is 'waste spark'. But it would need a four lobe cam or four hall sensors if crank triggered.
First one I'm aware of is Harley Davidson's. They used waste spark but the competition, Indian used a distributor. friendmy car have 2signal wire and 2coil ignition are seperate.
A want circuit cdi dc for my car.
Thanks you for help me.
My car work by hall sensor.
I want Circuit dc cdi from my car
You want one, it is easiest to buy one. Especially one made specifically for your specific car.

It is impossible to know the timing advance for high speed (or what is considered high speed on your car, or how much to retard ignition for cold start, buy one.
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