homework help, please?

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**broken link removed**

Complete the circuit diagram for a monostable in Figure 1 by
(i) adding a 100 K fixed resistor and a 22 μF capacitor to Pins 6 and 7 to give a time
constant of approximately 2 seconds,

(ii) adding a fixed resistor and a suitable switch to Pin 2 so as to trigger the 555 Timer
I C when the switch is pressed. Clearly label the resistor to show its value.
I know this is >10k resistor and aptm switch

I simply cant get my head round it :/ i've tried many times but i end up going over other lin es, i can't make it look neat.

thank you, in advance
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you are allowed to go over the lines, post something up of what you have done by yourself and we can see if we can help to tidy it up for you.

you will probably find that the guys on here dont like to do other peoples homework for them.
looks ok to me, apart from you forgot the ptm switch to trigger it, the switch goes from the junction of pin 2 to 0v
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