How 2 trigger a monostable

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another guy

New Member
This is probly very simple, but can any1 tell me how to trigger a monostable electronicly without using a push button.i need a circuit that gives a single pulse 2 trigger the monostable.any help?thanx
What's the trigger for the event? You can trigger a monostable using a switch, other logic... any number of things. Being more specific and descriptive will greatly improve the responses to your question.
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Basically i wana trigger it 2 turn on a motor for 10
sec..the problem tht i have is jst 2 give the trigger input a pulse without using a push i just need a circuit that can give 1 pulse when activated 2 trigger the timer.i tried a inverter logic gate to trigger the 555? but the timer stayed on and didnt go it more clearer nw?thanx

Please post the circuit diagram of the existing 555 monostable, showing how you have the trigger connected.
I dnt have the resources of scanning rite now as im using my mobile 2 place threads but basically pin 2 on the 555 is connected 2 ground and the not gate is joint 2 it,hope u understand what im sayin.thanx
I dnt have the resources of scanning rite now as im using my mobile 2 place threads but basically pin 2 on the 555 is connected 2 ground and the not gate is joint 2 it,hope u understand what im sayin.thanx

Dont directly couple the trigger source to the 555 trggger input.!

Use a 10nF or 22nf capacitor in series with the trigger, look at this image.


  • AAesp01.gif
    2.7 KB · Views: 439
using a capacitor in series will cause the formation of rising & falling spikes which are better than a square wave for triggering.
Try this schematic which includes the necessary switch debounce to ensure your 555 is triggered not be scared of it


    9.1 KB · Views: 385
Try this schematic which includes the necessary switch debounce to ensure your 555 is triggered not be scared of it

Again, the OP is using a Push button, which is most likely a n/o or n/c set of contacts, not a change over switch.

So your circuit is not suitable for a simple n/o or n/c push button, I think you should make this clear on you circuit.
For a change over contact set its fine.
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here is a N/o push button trigger input

should work if I read your circuit explanation correctly.
this is a 556 so pin out is slightly different.
the (#) indicate pins on a 555


  • 556 flasher.PNG
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the circuit here(u2a,u2b,u2c,u2d)is a switch debounce circuit also which can be used to trigger your 555,as long as you add the capacitor,diode and additional resistor so you can edge trigger your 555........


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