OK, so I tested the mirrors in the truck yesterday and, unfortunately, they do not terminate power. So, I will definitely have to revise the plan. But, to make life easier and not waste time and money I've already spent, I'm thinking that I can add a time delay relay [(NCTO) RL1] (between fuse and DPDT relay across the direct power feed). And add another time delay relay [(NOTO) RL2] across the ground connection (between direct ground and DPDT relay ground connections). RL1 control terminals would be wired between 12v direct, and DPDT relay grounds. RL2 control terminals would be wired between ignition feed (after switch), and direct ground. No power in circuit until ignition is turned on. Ign on energizes the DPDT relay and RL2 (which closes ground and allows RL1 to energize). Power runs to mirror and it extends. Time delay opens RL1 after, lets say 5 seconds, and circuit de-energizes. Once vehicle is turned off, RL1 resets, energizing the circuit and causing mirrors to retract. After 5 seconds RL2 resets, de-energizing the circuit once more, and hopefully all is well with the world! Do you think this will work okay?
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