How do I connect this ICM-20948 Gyro and Acc to my ESP32 PICO D4?

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Hello everyone, I am trying to add this ICM-20948 (data sheet- I am just a beginner at this, not sure wether I have connected it correctly.

I am trying to use the I2C connection with this to my esp32 pico d4, but not sure wether I have connected it correctly, hence I have not connected the SDA and SCL to the MCU. I am getting confused with the SDO/ADO, SDA/SDI, SCL/SCLK pins. I have shared my schematic down below. Which do I use for a standard I2C connection?

Thanks a lot for your help!


  • Accelerometer & Gyro.pdf
    106.9 KB · Views: 253
SDO/ADO is just the I²C slave address bit zero. If it's zero then the slave address is 0x68, if 1 then 0x69. It's so you can have two chips on the same bus (not sure why you would except for confirmation but if no agreement then what do you do!!). Just use the SDA and SCL lines to communicate.

Thanks Mike, Is it necessary to connect the SD0/ADO to the MCU? Can I just ground it instead?
Hi Mike, do I also need Level shifting for this? Is it necessary?
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