how do you throw away a garbage can?

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so what is a boomerang for?
Seems obvious to me. You throw it, if it hits its target you go pick up your boomerang and kangaroo and head home. If it misses, you get a another chance without having to run after your stick.
I can throw a boomerang and cut off a kangaroo's head, but only if the two actions have no relationship to one another.
Gaston said:
you guys eat kangaroo down there?

You can even eat kangaroo in the UK

I've never tried it (nor do I plan to), but it's a perfectly good source of meat.
Does it really taste 'just like chicken'? Seems like they use that one on a lot of exotic meats, for which I have no desire of finding out...
i have tried kangaroo, but i don't remember what it was like though? but it wasn't that bad, because i ate it i think this thread has turned into a "how to chop off a kangaroo's head with a boomerang"
I also tried kangaroo, it tasts a bit like horsemeat but the steaks are
a bit too small to my liking. I tried buffalo as well, little taste and
the meat is tough, too expensive for poor quality meat. The best meat
by far is ostrich but it's a little expensive.
Is there anyone who has already tried zebra or crocodile ?

If it doesn't kill you, someone somewhere out there eats it...sometimes even if it does kill you.
i eat some bison the other day and it was so good i went back te next day and got some more
I had this plastic boomerang, and the corners were super sharp plastic, so i threw it and it came back and sliced my leg open about 3 inches and half inch deep... OUCH
Perhaps you didn't catch it properly? Aren't boomerangs designed for hunting? You throw it at a kangeroo, it chops its head off then comes back to you and providing you catch it properly it won't cut your hand off.
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