How does human body creates electricity? Can changing magnetic field influence cells activity?

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Electrical signals are running through our bodies.
The nervous system is sending "signals" to the brain, or synapses. In our bodies an electrical charge is jumping from one cell to the next until it reaches its destination.
Electrical signals are fast. Negativity is the natural resting state of our cells (potassium and sodium ions inside and outside the cell). Potassium ions - negative, sodium ions - positive (potassium ions inside cell >
sodium ions outside the cell) When the membrane opens, sodium and potassium ions move freely into and out of the cell with the result of a charge. A human body can generate between 10 and 100 millivolts.
simoatrial node...
can we compare the human body with a complex chemical battery?
can we compare cells with wires ?

human body energy systems :
1. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate )
2. PC (phosphocreatine)
3. Anaerobic Glycolysis System
4. Aerobic Glycolytic System


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Potassium ions - negative

Never in the history of biology has a negatively charged potassium occurred inside of a living thing. A "Potasside" anion just won't exist.
We covered this in a previous post and I thought there was understanding. I hope there is this time.

Electrical signals occurs in the human body in much the same way a signal is created at the mouth of a river, a change in concentration of charged particles in a liquid will create a signal. In a river, water of lower concentrations of dissolved salts flowing into an ocean with water of higher concentration. Fortunately, the "signal" is essentially a DC or "standing wave" signal. It can be measured as you move the electrode from upstream through the mouth and into the ocean (difficult but easier in a simulated lab-like setting).

In the human body, there is a sodium-potassium pump in cell membranes that maintain the intra-cellular/extracellular gradient. CHANGES in the gradient cause electrical signals. Even compression of the fluid changes the gradient on the micro-concentration scale (reverse osmosis during compression of the heart, for example) and can easily be measured.

Biology is an amazing but biological processes are generally limited to kinetics and energetic swell below the reduction potential of converting potassium ion (+) to potassium metal (0). The thought of biology converting potassium (+) all the way to potassium (-1) is not in the realm of thought.
I can accept your opinion but do not kill mine. To demonstrate this I will ask you a simple question is a triky one, Human body is generating Ac or Dc Choose between those 2.
I can accept your opinion but do not kill mine. To demonstrate this I will ask you a simple question is a triky one, Human vody is generating Ac or Dc Choose between those 2.

So, it is your opinion that potassium anions exit in the human body?
Pick one: yes or no?
you first after this maybe we can have a tea together

Well, at least you didn't say, yes.
That is a start.

The description of HOW the signals are created in biology (nature) was pretty clear and you can easily infer that both steady-state base (DC offset) and varying signals (AC) components exist on the biologically created electrical signals.

I wouldnt expect anything better from a biology major or the English major who helped them write it.
what do you think about this afirmation : magnetic fields induce circulating currents within the human body. The strength of these currents depends on the intensity of the outside magnetic field. If sufficiently large, these currents could cause stimulation of nerves and muscles or affect other biological processes.

No. People have been subjected to 7T magnetic fields in an MRI (NMR) and their nerves do not get impacted one iota.
what about about a powerfull CHANGINC magnetic field (not static...) for example this one, strong enough to make a 75 W bulb glow...hmmm ( I wish to mention that the hand from the movie is mine)
I am interested about your opinion: Can changing magnetic fields induce electric currents in biological systems ?
can we write this with some help using Faraday's law of induction?
(the magnitude of the induced current density J=......)
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No. People have been subjected to 7T magnetic fields in an MRI (NMR) and their nerves do not get impacted one iota.

I went in a ride in a MRI machine years ago for a follow up to a Pituitary adenoma test for high prolactin levels (test came back negative so not the problem) and that did have a rather odd effects on my perceptions of things while the test was being done.

Mildly trippy and beyond my words to explain but definitely noticed and the gal doing the test said it happens to most people when a high level magnetic field is shot through someone's brain.

Sort of this effect but going way slower.

it is look like a torture for me that video..... I rember for a second Silvester Stalone in Rambo totured by Vietcong. But sometimes it is necesary......
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tcm Now I think you figure it out the coils and the bulbs don.t matter for me...If I wish to build an Ac generator I will build it in my style......using a principle from 1983


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tcm Now I think you figure it out the coils and the bulbs don.t matter for me...If I wish to build an Ac generator I will build it in my style......using a principle from 1983

Solar thermal is alive and well. There is a plant in Spain and the American southwest. The primary heat transfer fluid is molten salt (nearly 50% sodium nitrate/50% sodium nitrite). It works great but melting 50,000 TONs of salt take a while to get started up.
tcm Now I think you figure it out the coils and the bulbs don.t matter for me...If I wish to build an Ac generator I will build it in my style......using a principle from 1983

And that's the part nobody gets. There are only a few ways to do things and have them work properly while being also efficient and cost effective to do. It's not like the principles you are using are pushing the limits of new cutting edge grey area physics.

They are tried and true old and well understood ones which makes your endeavor to do things your way, in what continually appears to be a poorly researched understood and thought out low efficiency and quite rudimentary designs, seem rather foolish.

You can put some shopping cart rollers under a wood shipping pallet but it doesn't make it a a high end game changing sports car no matter what excuses you come up with and those who do build such sports car are never going to side with you on your views either. Especially when you seem to not be able to even talk the universally common language of the concepts in play.
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