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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

How does human body creates electricity? Can changing magnetic field influence cells activity?

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Solar thermal is alive and well. There is a plant in Spain and the American southwest. The primary heat transfer fluid is molten salt (nearly 50% sodium nitrate/50% sodium nitrite). It works great but melting 50,000 TONs of salt take a while to get started up.
I know. i will use just the principle.....
And that's the part nobody gets. There are only a few ways to do things and have them work properly while being also efficient and cost effective to do. It's not like the principles you are using are pushing the limits of new cutting edge grey area physics.

They are tried and true old and well understood ones which makes your endeavor to do things your way, in what continually appears to be a poorly researched understood and thought out low efficiency and quite rudimentary designs, seem rather foolish.

You can put some shopping cart rollers under a wood shipping pallet but it doesn't make it a a high end game changing sports car no matter what excuses you come up with and those who do build such sports car are never going to side with you on your views either. Especially when you seem to not be able to even talk the universally common language of the concepts in play.
And here you go again........I am the one with the practical results you are just talking and talking.....You are like a politician, you pretend to know everithyng but you are doing nothing for the people. There is not a univerversally common language....there are people searching for results like I am and people which pretend to be the "mother of all knowledges" like you are which are just talking and talking..... but where is your contribution for society? Are you helping poor people, people with pains ? are you doing something or just talking about how is writen in the books, walking on street in nice clothes, and judge all the society and people you you are doing with me.
do you think a paper is making someone special? (ref to education) (from my point of view there are parents who invest money to educate childrens and poor parents which don't have money to invest in children educations it is the end to say which kid is the smartest ? is a big mistake)
;)))))) i saw how you influenced that kid (Little Ghostman) at my first post on this forum to treat me- and than how you hunted me on the internet with your rage - if this is your contribution for society you should stop imediatly. Only Musicmanager observed something strange.....
remember: for me all people are importants I do not care about religion,skin color,knowledges, education,money, who they are, country they belong, etc,
Use your knowledges to help people world wide not to debate on forums like you are the master and the rest are some slaves or something. (until now I helped 2154 people it is a long way to reach 4 mld) but at least I am trying as cowboybob said...those are results..).if you wish a chalenge with me you have the number 2154 , I can keep you updated.....and do it for free this is the rule no 1. of the contest with no prize. Do you think I am searching for money, fame, gratitude ? (I am just sciencetollbar some letters and nothing else)
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There is not a univerversally common language

Volts, amps, watts, frequency, length, width, height, volume, speed, direction, time, rate of change, mass, density, temperature, specific heat, material composition and so forth. As in the basic but well defined scientific/technical definition terminology concepts that actually define everything in at least a basic level technical detail.

As far as I know, every single one of those is categorically universally translatable and understood in someway in every known language (especially english) of the world. Yet, so far, we have seen you use almost none of them in any defining ways, beyond very generic buzzword reference, to any working or meaningful degree in explaining what you are working on and why and to what end.

but where is your contribution for society? Are you helping poor people, people with pains ?

Yes I am, How many dozen examples would you like of my technical contributions to society and over what range of topics? Renewable/Alternative Energy, Alternative fuels, General mechanical repair and or design, Alternative heating methods, How to improve your life, Personal life adventure/inspiration, something else? :rolleyes:

Heres just 5 common RE/AE ones that can be found on this forum that combined have near 3/4 a million views now that have helped countless people better their lives in some way and not one of them runs out for pages and pages without ever defining the point, premise, purpose and process of the concepts in play. ;)

And to be real, those represent just a tiny fraction of the overall number of threads I have either created myself or did a major contribution to that cover over a dozen technical forums online covering a multitude of technical and like topics that are of both educational and inspirational value to society in some way. :p

Now as for my views of you, you seem to be great at tossing buzzwords around but that's about it, actual legitimate educational content is thus far utterly lacking in your part. :(

For all your talking everything you have done so far can easily be summed up like this.

I spin a magnet near a coil of wire and a light of one kind or another goes on. Screw you on the technical details of my work. Now stop asking questions about it's design, point, purpose and value and kiss my butt because 'I am saving the world'! :rolleyes:
Now i understand why you are in top 3 (refering at minus awards) on this never to late....please edit your post we have kids around....if you wish to help you are welcome if not do not insist for my atention
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Now i understand why you are in top 3 (refering at minus awards) on this never to late....please edit your post we have kids around....

You'll have to sort through the negative ratings and find which ones are from technical advice vs those earned in off-topic political opinions and such. I think his ratings are pretty high for technical posts.

Also, he's not doing too bad vs some of those guys further down on a percent-of-posts basis.

Finally, if he does have a negative post on a technical thread, it is because he doesn't suffer fools gladly. He will push people away from thinking how they HOPE something works to how it REaLLY works. Sometimes people blame the teacher when their reality is shifted. You seem to not like it either.
You'll have to sort through the negative ratings and find which ones are from technical advice vs those earned in off-topic political opinions and such. I think his ratings are pretty high for technical posts.

Also, he's not doing too bad vs some of those guys further down on a percent-of-posts basis.

Finally, if he does have a negative post on a technical thread, it is because he doesn't suffer fools gladly. He will push people away from thinking how they HOPE something works to how it REaLLY works. Sometimes people blame the teacher when their reality is shifted. You seem to not like it either.
I am new here . Are you ok with his language you read that and nothing happened? (the kiss part ....)
we saw Tmn .....what do you think about the head of the small generator presented (battery conected)? In your opinion is it possible to influence human body proceses? I wish to mention that the special screw pot is fixed between the magnetic poles ) 3v dc motor, battery, 26 mm neodymyum sphere, 13 mm screw pot metal case, plastic connector)


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You'll have to sort through the negative ratings and find which ones are from technical advice vs those earned in off-topic political opinions and such. I think his ratings are pretty high for technical posts.

I have ratings? :confused:

Finally, if he does have a negative post on a technical thread, it is because he doesn't suffer fools gladly. He will push people away from thinking how they HOPE something works to how it REaLLY works. Sometimes people blame the teacher when their reality is shifted. You seem to not like it either.

Thank you and yes it is exactly that. Where I have lived and worked all my life it was basic sense to get after people who have bad thoughts/understandings about how to do things and make them explain themselves. Especially in the industrial settings I have largely working all my life.

Proud and stupid gets people killed and I have been very lucky to have never lost a coworker yet and I attribute it to us jerk teachers who would rather be hated for making someone get their head on straight and understand reality and their place in it rather than go to their or someone else's funeral someday because of some daft dumb idea they had about how something worked or should work that was not true. :(

I don't hand out participation trophies, period. Either you are up to speed and play the game correctly or you don't play on my field and you stay on the bench until you do get things right simply because I want you to be the best you can be when you do play the game for real. ;)
Do you think people with pains can wait for you to finish your number? just let gophert to gave me his answer I am quite shure he is what I am looking for. It is hard for me to find people with his knowledges .
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I am new here . Are you ok with his language you read that and nothing happened? (the kiss part ....)

If that language hurt your feelings working in real life with real people is going to emotionally kill you in about 5 minutes and then things are going to get much much worse from there. :(

In your opinion is it possible to influence human body proceses?

Until you can define what it is you wish to influence and for what reason you will not get answers that you like. :(

it is not about me and you here we are not importants.As I said before..

Unfortunately you are wrong on that too. Exchange of information, so as that you and I and anyone else can learn, takes two or more peoples efforts and contributions to do so.

If you wish to just hear what you want to hear then open up a notepad and type your own answers to yourself that way they will be 100% what you want to hear 100% of the time and 100% correct in your views too. ;)

I can not speak to someone who does not know the language and I can not teach to those who will not learn and I can not answer questions that make no sense and all of this is universally true to everyone without exception even when they don't like it. :(

Do you think people with pains can wait for you to finish your number?

Until you can define what the pain is from you can not find a solution or cure to it.
I gave all the informations read all the posts.....
It is a heavy discussion because is Abstract !!!!! all I will get from here are opinions and you are not helping just gophert so far.
I gave all the informations read all the posts.....
It is a heavy discussion because is Abstract !!!!! all I will get from here are opinions and you are not helping just gophert so far.

You gave nothing but light and fluffy abstract info that is largely irrelevant and unusable. That's the problem. When you can not define your perceived problem in detail with any weight and mass (Substance) to it you will get no answers that solve it in detail either.

Also, posting a link to what is cleary your own questions as you have posed here where you got the same less than defined answers does not prove your point. It proves mine in my view that you are way in over your head in your understandings of things. :(

But since extremely vague and abstract answers is what you which, Yes a magnetic field can influence the body. How and to what postive or negative influences and levels are however undefinable at this level of resolution.
thx for your answer! in that link were 2 replies also confirmed....see all I have to do is to find Tcm in a good mood. (for this I will define pains - when medicine fails - bone pains in general...on the first place)
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tcm, what do you think about this is not mine : "There has been some excellent research done on the objective effects of a magnetic field applied to the human body. One of these by Okai, confirmed by using animals that new electric current is generated by electromagnetic induction when a magnetic field is applied to the blood stream.Then, by putting the human chest between the poles of an electromagnet or by generating a pulse between two poles placed as such, they detected, by using electrodes fixed to the skin, electromotive force by the blood flow across the magnetic field. They named this Magnetoheography. It was the first time the electric change occurring when a magnetic field is applied to the human body had been confirmed" this make me wonder...
is it possible that an electric change occcuring when a magnetic field is applied to the human body ? are we a complex chemical battery? And what if we can find a way to "charge " this battery we will accelerate the human body proceses? (metabolism tends to slow with age)
(if we do this what are the advantages ? there are risks on long term ?


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Ratings? Who did those ratings?

So if someone has a lot of likes, you assume the information is accurate?
Hello! the question is for me/tcm/gophert ? or in general? because tcm is the "mother of all knowledges", gophert is trying to protect him even when tcm is speaks like he is on a soker field, and I am the new guy who dared to have a personal opinion( I am practical, because everybody knows the theory and can speak hours and hours and get lost in numbers, I prefer to make things simple and real....the results are matter for me)
refering to this ?
tcm leads
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