How drive a LED

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New Member
Hi to all,
this is my first post, so excuse me if i made some mistakes.
I want to drive a high brightness led: so i need an output equal to 1A.
These are what i want to do:
  • LINEAR dimmable output current to 1A max
  • I want drive led output current with a micro PWM output (or an analog voltage)
  • Sensing resistor for feedback: i want measure led current with a micro
Can you help me to find the correct IC?
Another question: i've read that a led driving with resistor is deprecated: why?
Try this site. It has drivers and the software to design the circuit.

**broken link removed**
Another question: i've read that a led driving with resistor is deprecated: why?

Works great for a 20mA LED. Wastes a huge amount of power for a 1A LED; but constant-current operation of the LED is required. The electonic LED drivers are just a constant-current source which uses PWM to limit power wasting dissipation.
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