how i check my voice chip

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i using voice playback chip apr9600. i got the circuit from this ic manual and checked it. I cann't hear the beap sound and also cann't record the voice. how can i overcome this problem? please give suggestions...
The datasheet for the APR9600 IC shows exactly how to connect it and how to use it. It even has a complete recorder/player circuit.
The datasheet for the APR9600 IC shows exactly how to connect it and how to use it. It even has a complete recorder/player circuit.

i accept your point. Even i tried this circuit many times, no beep sound in the speaker. The one thing i observed is some hmmmmmm sound occurs periodically... what may be my mistake and how can i detect it?

a 28 pin IC requires some connections and the parts being used do as well.

I suggest not to build it on a breadboard, but design a prototype PCB for it.

The PCB can't possibly have the many wiring errors you'll have using a breadboard.

For possible change of components use (machined) IC-sockets to connect to the desired nets.

An intermittent hum is caused by a loose ground wire on a breadboard. Solder the wires permanently on a pcb instead.
thanks for your suggestions! i got output with some corrections in my connections. i think the sound volume is low. I need to amplify it to some level. may i use lm386 audio amplifier ? is it good for my circuit?
Yes, you can use the LM386, but it still might not be loud enough.

What's the supply voltage?

You could use the TDA7052 which is much louder.
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