How to Amplify Current?

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New Member
Hi guys,

I am trying to run a simple geared DC motor from a PIC mikrocontroller. This DC motor has high torque and slow speed. When I connect this motor directly to a 5V supply with 0V reference, the motor would run. But I need this motor to spin in both direction. So I connected this motor to two PIC pins (PORTE 1 and 2), and I would set one high and another low at a time, and to spin the other direction I'd do otherwise. The thing is, the motor does not spin when I connect it this way. To test if my program was correct, I connected two LEDs at the same port (one connected in the reverse direction), and the LED would blink one at a time correctly.

Does that mean the PIC is not supplying enough current to the motor? I did try to connect one side of the motor to a direct 5V and another one to the PIC pin. When I set this Pin to high, the motor wouldnt run, and when I set it to low, the motor would run (expected result). But unfortunately I wont' be able to make the motor spin at both direction this way even though I could control the motor's start and stop rotation through a microcontroller.

My guess is that the PIC is not supplying enough current to the motor. Im a noob, im not sure how I should handle this matter. Ive heard about current amplification using transistors. Does anyone know how I can do this? Or is there any other suggestion to make this motor spin at both direction by using a PIC?

Thanks alot guys, any suggestions are welcomed. Ive ran out of ideas.
You can't feed a motor direct from a PIC (or any other micro-controller) you need an H-Bridge.
Hi there,

Can you suggest me a simple H-bridge IC to run my DC motor?

I did this for someone who needed to power their Motor from 12V. If the motor can be powered from the same 5V supply as the PIC, you can simplify it somewhat. The transistors marked PNP and NPN are power transistors, mounted on a suitable heatsink, size dictated by the motor current.


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It worked guys. I used L293 H bridge IC, and it is working like a charm. Thanks to you guys
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