How to count the data?

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New Member
Hi everybody..

my pic will receive a data (in ASCII), and i'm going to count dedicated to do it..

for example..

my data is "abd,de,ghsdkj,hj" how to count ","..because the reason is, "," is as my 'boundary', meaning that, for example, after receive first "," i'll keep the next data before receive another "," after that i'll ignore the next data and maybe i'll keep the nest data after another ","..

thanks in advance..

sorry for my poor english
Just check for the ',' - it's called a 'seperator character'. So for each received character check if it's ',' - if not place it in a buffer - if it is ',' then jump to a routine to process the characters in the buffer. You can use either SUBLW ',' or XORLW ',' to check for the correct character, the Z flag shows the result.
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