how to create a Digital Logic circuit for more than and less than in 8bit data?

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PLA's and GAL's can be bought in 20 pin skinny DIPs... More than enough to do the job...

Back in Uni we used GAL''s as address decoders.....
A pal/gal would be a good device for this project if you can figure out a way to download the code into it. Back in my day, PALASM was a good software for coding PAL's. Oddly it is still available on the net, and the syntax was very simple.

AND gate was C= a*b OR gate was C= a+b
simple stuff like that. You could do state machines as well.

**broken link removed**
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PLA's and GAL's can be bought in 20 pin skinny DIPs... More than enough to do the job...

Back in Uni we used GAL''s as address decoders.....

Luxury. Back in my day, we used a rolled up newspaper configured as 74 logic (and not the LS) versions. Probably lost humour on an International forum.
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