How to decrease ir receiver sensitivity

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Hello Guys :
I have created IR toggle switch and the circuit diagram is attached.
It is universal IR receiver.
I am using my TV remote as transmitter.

It is working Excellent !
But the problem is :
It ( IR receiver) is very sensitivity. It detects the IR transmitter ( TV remote) from anywhere means
when I point to wall , left , right , down , up..

I want the IR receiver to detect only when the TV remote is pointed at it.


  • IR_SWITCH.png
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Use a PIC to decode the TSOP1738 output corresponding to a specific button on the remote.
You can do it easily with geometry. Just get an IR opaque tube and attach it to the sensor of the IR detector. That will increase directionality and prevent detection of reflected signals. I suggest a tube about 6 mm (1/4") in diameter. Aluminum works great or a plastic straw covered with black electrical tape will work too.

I agree. I think mike misread the question.

No, I just think that I would prefer to be able to control my special device from my remote anywhere in the room, rather than limiting the field of view of the receiver. Every remote I have ever seen has one or more "useless" buttons that could be co-opted to control the special device...
I agree. I think mike misread the question.

I think Mike answered the REAL question - the problem with the circuit isn't it's sensitivity, but it's complete uselessness as a remote control system - it's useless unless it's done correctly, detecting any modulated IR signal (including random noise) will just give continual false triggering.
so please any help sir,
what modification will i have to do..
There are really two issues here.

The first is the fact that he is not using decoding.

The second and the one I was myopic about is that it is too sensitive. He will have that problem even with the uC because IR remotes are often made to work even if the signal bounces off a surface or two to get to the sensor. He may still need the tube.
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