How to increase IR transmitting distance?

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I'm doing a bidirectional visitor counter.i m using TSOP 1738 at receiver side,and 38KHZ astable multivibrator at transmitter side.everything works fine.but it can't work if the distance between Tx,Rx is above 8cm.It's very short distance,so i can't use it in real time.I picked up sony IR LED from my old TV also it can't works for long diastance.I have attached my circuit diagram.I have used R1=1k,R2=1.394k,c=0.01up.
please...... help me!


  • EO4z6FTu.jpg
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If your IR emitter is sending a continuous 38KHz signal, the TSOP will not work correctly, there has to be breaks in the 38KHz transmission, look at this clip from the datasheet.


  • AAesp01.gif
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thanks ericgibbs,
but i can see this also in datasheet (in features)
"Continuous data transmission possible (up to 2400 bps)"
what mean for that?
thanks ericgibbs,
but i can see this also in datasheet (in features)
"Continuous data transmission possible (up to 2400 bps)"
what mean for that?

Data transmission is not the same as the 38KHz frequency.


  • AAesp04.gif
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how can i control a astable multivibrator by another.could i control one by controlling reset bin? or could i do AND operation for both the outputs?
how can i control a astable multivibrator by another.could i control one by controlling reset bin? or could i do AND operation for both the outputs?

I would use a Reset on the 555 emitter driver
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I guess this what ericgibbs mentioned.

U1 generates approximately 38KHz, while U2 generates a lower frequency.

With U1 being reset at the low frequency the output should look like the blue trace on the scope. The yellow trace shows the output signal of U2.

With a constant carrier frequency the TSOP assumes disturbance and cuts back on receiver sensitivity, thus making the signal unusable for long range.

Use a TSAL6100 IR-TX-LED for max range. It can work with a constant If of 100mA.



  • IR-TX.gif
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  • IR-TX-SCP.gif
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Here is an almost identical circuit with values that give the proper packets of pulses. I used a 556, which is a dual 555. The pin nmbers for using two 555's will be different, but the pin names will be the same. Capacitor values are in microfarad, unless specified differently.


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I have used two timers as you told.the distance also increased from 8cm to 50cm.but i want 1m distance for my can i get this?
Please post your circuit and details. Read the datasheet carefully where it describes what is required in terms of the signal for best sensitivity. Some mechanical changes, such as a putting the receiver at the end of a tube (light shield) to decrease interference from outside. Are you using it in a room with fluorescent light bulbs? John
That circuit is not like either Boncuk or I recommended. It will not give you the 38 KHz "carrier" modulated on/off at about 1 KHz, as required for maximum distance. If you are using 555's, you must have two. Fluorescent lamps will seriously interfere unless you use the proper modulation. It is even described in the datasheet you have.

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How do you tune the 555 to exactly 38kHz?
How do you power the TSOP IR receiver?
Are your fluorescent lights the old long tube ones or are they new compact fluorescent light bulbs that cause 38kHz interference?
oh!!!sorry, i wrongly sent my old circuit. i modified my circuit like this......
pls say what's wrong with this


  • IR-TX.gif
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Your circuit is different to the circuit that works.
Get rid of the 7404 and correct the values of R4 and C3.
I ran those values through a calculator and get approximately 38 KHz at 51% duty cycle for the "carrier" and 481 Hz for the modulation. The modulation has a duty cycle of 67%, which is why I suspect the original designer of that circuit added the inverter. A more common modulation frequency is about 1 KHz at 50% duty cycle (like my design above).

That gets us to the point of: 1) Analyzing another circuit for why it doesn't work; or 2) Asking why the OP here didn't go with either suggested circuit given here? The other circuit should work. Does it work and at what range? Have you confirmed all of your connections? Have you triple checked all component values?

If the output of the inverter were connected to an LED through a resistor instead of to the second 555, it's output frequency is a bit too high for most most people to see it pulse. You might be able to see a flicker out of the corner of your eye. If you see a steady on, try looking at it through a fan for something to get a strobed effect. That won't tell you its frequency, but it will tell you whether it is flashing. If it is flashing, then the problem is probably somewhere else.

success! success! success!

My circuit works works for more than 3 meter.nothing is wrong with my 2nd circuit.i did mistake in bread board i have corrected it.

thanks friends,
thanks for spending your invaluable time for me
thank u very much

Well done,
Please post your working circuits so that others can benefit from your work.
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