A few comments, some of which will echo what others have said...
In one of the pictures, sensible text can be seen faintly on the LCD, so the program is working.
The backlight is far too bright, I suspect that the LEDs in the display module are connected directly to the +5v supply.
Look at the picture of the board, there is a connector for the LCD which is not being used, there are pins marked BL+ and BL-, these are for the backlight.
Whether there is a current limiting resistor somewhere on the development board I do not know, the board manufacturer does not appear to publish the user manual other than as a printed version supplied with the dev board.
As a temporary measure just disconnect the backlight, depending on the type of LCD, it will still be visible.
There is a potentiometer marked as CONTRAST ADJUST, I guess that this is connected to the CONT pin on the LCD connector.
Looking at the pictures, this appears to be connected to some power supply point. A very bad idea.
Lcd 1 pin connected gnd onboard
Lcd 2 pin connected to 5v onboard
Lcd 3 pin connected to gnd onboard
Just wire the contrast potentiometer correctly.