how to make repeaters??

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New Member
i hav an rc car which has very little range. Since i hav found that there is no effective way to increase its range i am struck with an idea of making some repeaters for it that possible......??
Not as is - you would need to use a different system - and there's probably no legal way.

However, what use is a radio control system that works so far away you can't see the car?.
Just get a new and better radio system which work farther than you can see. This is probably a toy remote control car right? Not a hobby-grade RC car?

You need licensing to build equipment RF transmitting equipment otherwise it's illegal. RF equipment is difficult and expensive to build in the first place anyways.
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no no illrgal prob here.................just tell me how to make it............its a project for me ..............plz help...........i am having wifi camera and access control the movement ..plz help/////////////
no no illrgal prob here.................just tell me how to make it............its a project for me ..............plz help...........i am having wifi camera and access control the movement ..plz help/////////////

Why not use the WiFi to control the car? I just barely know enough network stuff, to make use of our cities free internet access (which they are going to shut down in about 3 weeks, cheap bastards). But have read about some of the things people have built.
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