Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000L // 20 meg crsytal
__CONFIG(0x3F52); // HS on, WDT off, BOR on, PWRTon..
char displayPointer=0; // for interrupt use...
extern const char fnt[]; // Font in external C file
extern const char anim[];
unsigned char buffer[32]; // buffer for screen
unsigned char backbuffer[32]; // Spare screen for drawing on
char pow[8]={128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1};
void interrupt ISR() // This just swaps the buffer to the display
if(TMR2IF) // Make sure its the timer interrupt.
PORTB = 0; // Clear old data first
if(displayPointer == 0 ) // 1st frame..
RC4 = 1; // Data = 1 on the first clock only
RC3 = 1;
__delay_us(20); // Clock the shift registers
RC3 = 0;
RC4 = 0; // Make sure data stays low for the rest of the cycles
PORTB = buffer[displayPointer]; // Move buffer row by row( 4 row sections per row )
if(++displayPointer==32) // 32 LED row sections in total
displayPointer = 0; // Back to first row..
TMR2IF = 0; // Clear timer 2 interrupt flag
void pixel(signed char x,signed char y,int cond)
int tmp;
char pix,msk;
if(x<0 || y<0) return; // outside drawing limits negative
if(x>31 || y>7) return; // outside drawing limits positive
tmp = (y << 2) + (x>>3); // Linear position
pix = x%8; // pixel required
pix = pow[ pix];
msk = backbuffer[tmp]; // get exsisting data
if(cond == 2)
pix ^= msk; // XOR data to screen
if (cond == 1)
pix = ~pix;
pix &= msk; // AND data to screen
if(cond == 0)
pix |= msk; // OR data to screen
backbuffer[tmp] = pix; // apply changes
void charput(char ch, signed char x,signed char y)
signed char x1, y1;
const char* addr2; // pointer to character
char disp;
ch -= 0x20; // characters starts a 0 not 0x20
addr2 = &fnt[0]; // start of font array
addr2 = addr2 + ((int)ch * 8); // start place in font array
for( y1=0;y1<8;y1++) // eight rows
disp = *addr2;
for (x1 = 0; x1<8; x1++) // eight pixels
if(disp & pow[x1])
pixel(x+x1,y+y1,0); // OR the pixel to the display buffer
void strput(const char* ch, signed char x,signed char y)
int addr;
while (*ch )
charput(*ch++,x,y); // write a string to the display buffer
void clr()
int addr;
for(addr=0;addr<32;addr++) // Empty display buffer
backbuffer[addr]= 0;
void Blit()
int addr=0;
GIE = 0;
for(addr=0;addr < 32;addr ++)
buffer[addr] = backbuffer[addr]; // put all data from display buffer
} // to screen buffer
GIE = 1;
void animation(void)
char x,y;
const char* frame; // pointer to frames
for(x=0;x<14;x++) // 14 frames in animation
clr(); // clears the display buffer
frame = &anim[0]; // start of frames
frame += x*32; // each frame is 32 bytes long
backbuffer[y] = *frame++; // Cycle through the animation
Blit(); // pass to screen buffer
__delay_ms(150); // time to view
void displaystring(void) // this routine prints through the screen buffer
{ // moving one pixel at a time
signed char x=32,y=0; // I made these signed so I could print
for(y = 0;y < 96 ;y++) // to nowhere so I could produce the scrolling effect
clr(); // Clear the display buffer
strput("HELLO WORLD!!",x--,0); // adjust the scrolling string
Blit(); // pass to screen buffer
__delay_ms(80); // time to view
void main(void)
int sx,sy;
int xdir=1, ydir=1;
ADCON1 = 0x6; // ALL digital
T2CON = 0x1e; // T2 on, 16:1 pre scale
PR2 = 109; // timer preload value ( equates to 1.4mS with 20mhz crystal)
TMR2IE = 1; // enable timer 2 interrupt
PEIE = 1; // enable peripheral interrupt
GIE = 1; // enableglobal interrupt
TRISB = 0; // Port B as output...
TRISC = 0; // Port C as ouput...
sx += xdir; sy += ydir;
if(sx>27) xdir = -1;
if(sy>4) ydir = -1;
if(sx<0) xdir = 1;
if(sy<0) ydir = 1;
} // End main
When did snake change to a bouncing ball? Are you referring to some other thread with this?
Hi again,
Please don't mind i think I should go in steps to learn first i should concentrate with basic program after that to huge program.....
then my brain will work faster and efficient!
You want to see the code for my displays
For me yes, because i have started uc few months back!!OMG!! You think that's a huge program
Yes show....You want to see the code for my displays
For me yes, because i have started uc few months back!!
so, please tell ball bouncing in steps!
No chance.... Its my professional stuff.... I was being facetious... [/QUOTE
O ok, can you show the video........
You draw the small circle slightly moved..
clr(); // clear the buffer.
circle(16,4,x,0); // circle at 16, 4 with an 'x' radius..
blit(); // redraw the LED screen.
__delay_ms(100) // time to view.
circle(16,4,x,0); // circle at 16, 4 with an 'x' radius..
void pixel(signed char x,signed char y,int cond)
int tmp;
char pix,msk;
if(x<0 || y<0) return; // outside drawing limits negative
if(x>31 || y>7) return; // outside drawing limits positive
tmp = (y << 2) + (x>>3); // Linear position
pix = x%8; // pixel required
pix = pow[ pix];
msk = backbuffer[tmp]; // get exsisting data
if(cond == 2)
pix ^= msk; // XOR data to screen
if (cond == 1)
pix = ~pix;
pix &= msk; // AND data to screen
if(cond == 0)
pix |= msk; // OR data to screen
backbuffer[tmp] = pix; // apply changes
pixel(16,4,0); // centre
pixel(0,0,0); // first
pixel(1,1,0); // second
pixel(2,2,0); // third
pixel(3,3,0); // forth
pixel(4,4,0); // fifth
pixel(5,5,0); // sixth
pixel(6,6,0); // seventh
pixel(7,7,0); // eighth
You don't need to know what pixel does..... Pixel() puts a LED on or off at position x,y... the last parameter is condition... Or , Xor and AND..
If you want the LED at co-ordinates 16, 4 ( centre), on the display to be lit... then you call...
pix = pow[ pix];
msk = backbuffer[tmp]; // get exsisting data