How to read the computer keyboard with PICmicrocontrollers?

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Check the EPE website, they did a project on it a number of years ago, or check the PICList, they have code as well - or google, there's plenty of code out there!.
Download mikroBasic and search for "keyboard" or "PS/2" with the help file search tool.

It has a complete set of integrated tools for PS/2 keyboard control
From the help file;

This simple example reads values of keys pressed on PS/2 keyboard and sends them via USART.

program ps2_test
dim keydata, special, down as byte

  CMCON  = $07           ' Disable analog comparators (comment this for P18)
  INTCON = 0             ' Disable all interrupts
  Ps2_Init(PORTA)        ' Init PS/2 Keyboard on PORTA
  Delay_ms(100)          ' Wait for keyboard to finish

    if Ps2_Key_Read(keydata, special, down) = 1 then
      if (down = 1) and (keydata = 16) then  ' Backspace
        ' something with a backspace...
        if (down = 1) and (keydata = 13) then  ' Enter
          if (down = 1) and (special = 0) and (keydata <> 1) then
          end if
        end if
      end if
    end if
    Delay_ms(10)    ' debounce
  loop until FALSE

The PS2_Init function will tell the compiler how the keyboard is connected

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