How to send SMS message from transmitter circuit to cell phone?

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I'm currently doing a project about Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). The system needs to give an alert to a driver about his under-inflated vehicle tire via SMS message. Does anyone has an experience of doing this project? How can I realize the idea of this system?
You need a micro-controller and a GSM modem.

But as the driver is presumably IN the vehicle, why on earth would you want to text message him about it? - not to mention, it's illegal to use a phone in a car in many countries.
I'm currently in the process of using a GSM module for telemetry purposes in my latest project. I used the GSM900 from RF Solutions:

The major downside to this module (from a hobbyist's perspective) is that it uses a very fine pitch connector so you can pretty much forget prototyping your own PCB with it. But if you're going to get your PCBs manufactured (and just hack onto it during test/dev period) then obviously it's fine.

From an implementation point of view, the module accepts commands and sends its data over an RS232 bus so pretty simple to interface with. The manuals are a bit lacking of specifics in certain areas though - I think it could use an English translation of the English translation.

Brian H
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We're using a GSM modem chip, which avoids the connector problem - the WISM2018 - it's also cheaper, which is important for our application.

Thanks for the chip reference, I'm due a re-spin of the PCB for my project so that could be worth a look.

Brian H
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We're using a GSM modem chip, which avoids the connector problem - the WISM2018 - it's also cheaper, which is important for our application.

Have you got a link for that device? My Googling abilities failed to find anything.
Sorry, a little dyslexia there

The number is actually WISM0218 - and here's the datasheet for it.


  • AirPrime_WISMO218_Product_Technical_Specification_and_Customer_Design_Guidelines_r6.pdf
    3.5 MB · Views: 919
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