How To Test IR Detector ?

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Yes, the IR sender has to be modulated - i.e. pulsed at 38kHz. This also has to be turned on and off at some rate or the IR receiver may ignore it.

e.g. (please excuse the rough diagram - if you want a better one, check the datasheet )

OFF   38kHz  OFF   38kHz       OFF    38k...
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You are blindly playing with no-name-brand IR parts without having the very important details on a datasheet.
1) What is the carrier frequency for your receiver IC? 30kHz, 36kHz, 37kHz, 38kHz, 40kHz or 56kHz which are the frequencies of the TSOP11xx IC.
2) What is the recommended number of carrier frequency pulses for each burst and what is the recommended duration of the pause between bursts of pulses?
3) What is the IR output rating of your IR LED?
4) What is the recommended maximum current and duration if the pulses from your IR LED?

The IR LED in the remote for a TV is designed for 1A very high current pulses.
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